I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks
in all honesty qmul will be so much better for you being 10 minutes a way life as a commuter man its not it - QMUL is amazing awswell !! i love it.
edit : if you have any specific questions about life at qmul - pm me x
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks
That’s really good! I’m planning to apply to both (in year 12), if you’re comfortable could you share your stats?
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks
Hi, am looking to apply to both QM and KCL EDSP this year. Do you mind sharing your stats and stuff? You'd be helping a lot of people 🙏🏻👍🏼
Ucat: 2600 Predicted: A*A*A Not the best ucat score but still managed to get in . Lmk if you have any other questions
Thanks so much for the reply. Those are impressive results and a very decent ucat👍🏼. If you dont mind me asking, did you have any contextual markers/and or take part in either of their Widening Participation programmes at all? Eg: K+? 😊🙏🏻
Thanks so much for the reply. Those are impressive results and a very decent ucat👍🏼. If you dont mind me asking, did you have any contextual markers/and or take part in either of their Widening Participation programmes at all? Eg: K+? 😊🙏🏻
Yep I was apart of queen Mary’s bridge the gap programme (hence why I got an AAA offer) and I was also apart of K+.
Thanks for that. I am contextual but more the school and area I live in. Really good luck with uni in September, you're gonna be amazing 👍🏼🥰
Then you should get the AAA offer from queen Mary should you pass the interview. Good luck!!! I hope everything goes well and next year you’ll be studying dentistry . Thanks I hope so hahah quite nervous myself but I think I’ll be fine.
Then you should get the AAA offer from queen Mary should you pass the interview. Good luck!!! I hope everything goes well and next year you’ll be studying dentistry . Thanks I hope so hahah quite nervous myself but I think I’ll be fine.
guys i am acc concerned i got 987777666 for gcses and im in yr 12, the gcse school tht i went to had the attainment score of 33.8 which is the bottom 20% quantiles so does tht mean for kings they will take my As as A* so tht'll be 6 A* which is jus 20 points outta 40 and i have applied for queen mary access programme and K plus since they just opened i havent heard back from them yet which might give me an extra consideration, im jus so stressed