The Student Room Group

KCL (ESDP) or BARTs for Dentistry

I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks
Reply 1
Either way you will qualify as a Dentist.
The NHS wont care where you trained - and neither will your future patients.
Original post by anthony.martial
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks

in all honesty qmul will be so much better for you being 10 minutes a way life as a commuter man its not it - QMUL is amazing awswell !! i love it.

edit : if you have any specific questions about life at qmul - pm me x
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 3
Original post by anthony.martial
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks

That’s really good! I’m planning to apply to both (in year 12), if you’re comfortable could you share your stats? :smile:
Reply 4
Original post by anthony.martial
I've received offers from QMUL (AAA) and from KCL's ESDP (AAB). Which university would be the better choice? I live 10 mins from QMUL if that helps you to decide what would be the better option but i don't really mind travelling. Thanks

Hi, am looking to apply to both QM and KCL EDSP this year. Do you mind sharing your stats and stuff? You'd be helping a lot of people 🙏🏻👍🏼
Original post by GS1944
Hi, am looking to apply to both QM and KCL EDSP this year. Do you mind sharing your stats and stuff? You'd be helping a lot of people 🙏🏻👍🏼

Ucat: 2600
Predicted: A*A*A

Not the best ucat score but still managed to get in :smile:. Lmk if you have any other questions
Reply 6
Original post by anthony.martial
Ucat: 2600
Predicted: A*A*A
Not the best ucat score but still managed to get in :smile:. Lmk if you have any other questions

Thanks so much for the reply. Those are impressive results and a very decent ucat👍🏼. If you dont mind me asking, did you have any contextual markers/and or take part in either of their Widening Participation programmes at all? Eg: K+? 😊🙏🏻
Original post by GS1944
Thanks so much for the reply. Those are impressive results and a very decent ucat👍🏼. If you dont mind me asking, did you have any contextual markers/and or take part in either of their Widening Participation programmes at all? Eg: K+? 😊🙏🏻

Yep I was apart of queen Mary’s bridge the gap programme (hence why I got an AAA offer) and I was also apart of K+.
Reply 8
Original post by anthony.martial
Yep I was apart of queen Mary’s bridge the gap programme (hence why I got an AAA offer) and I was also apart of K+.

Thanks for that. I am contextual but more the school and area I live in. Really good luck with uni in September, you're gonna be amazing 👍🏼🥰
Original post by GS1944
Thanks for that. I am contextual but more the school and area I live in. Really good luck with uni in September, you're gonna be amazing 👍🏼🥰

Then you should get the AAA offer from queen Mary should you pass the interview. Good luck!!! I hope everything goes well and next year you’ll be studying dentistry :smile:. Thanks I hope so hahah quite nervous myself but I think I’ll be fine.
Original post by anthony.martial
Then you should get the AAA offer from queen Mary should you pass the interview. Good luck!!! I hope everything goes well and next year you’ll be studying dentistry :smile:. Thanks I hope so hahah quite nervous myself but I think I’ll be fine.

guys i am acc concerned i got 987777666 for gcses and im in yr 12, the gcse school tht i went to had the attainment score of 33.8 which is the bottom 20% quantiles so does tht mean for kings they will take my As as A* so tht'll be 6 A* which is jus 20 points outta 40 and i have applied for queen mary access programme and K plus since they just opened i havent heard back from them yet which might give me an extra consideration, im jus so stressed

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