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Uni choice

I applied for mechanical engineering and I got offer from University of Bristol, UCL and Imperial. I am hoping to not stress out on study that much in university. Which university should I choose?
Reply 1
By not stress out on study, do you mean you don't want to have to study much? If so, your university choices don't reflect that. 😭 I'm currently at Bristol, and I have to study so much that when I fall asleep, I dream about Maths equations. I would imagine Imperial and UCL are just as demanding with their curricula.
Original post by DarylO
By not stress out on study, do you mean you don't want to have to study much? If so, your university choices don't reflect that. 😭 I'm currently at Bristol, and I have to study so much that when I fall asleep, I dream about Maths equations. I would imagine Imperial and UCL are just as demanding with their curricula.
Yeah I don't really want to study much but there must be a difference in the stress of studying for these unis
Original post by flamingcharlie
Yeah I don't really want to study much but there must be a difference in the stress of studying for these unis

Aren't they all pretty demanding, as they should be?
Original post by ageshallnot
Aren't they all pretty demanding, as they should be?
Yeah I assume they are. But like imperial must be much stressful isn't it
Original post by flamingcharlie
Yeah I assume they are. But like imperial must be much stressful isn't it

It has that reputation, but the other two aren't exactly known for being soft options are they? Perhaps you should reconsider your plans if you don't want to study much?
Original post by ageshallnot
It has that reputation, but the other two aren't exactly known for being soft options are they? Perhaps you should reconsider your plans if you don't want to study much?

As I know UCL has a long holiday period so yup I am looking for something like that. More time to enjoy my freedom in uni.
Reply 7
Original post by flamingcharlie
Yeah I don't really want to study much but there must be a difference in the stress of studying for these unis

Having spoken to mates studying at Imperial, there isn't. You'll notice a difference in certain courses when comparing these unis with Oxbridge. But between themselves, there isn't a difference. They're very demanding unis which is why they have high entry requirements. They expect students to be able to handle a ridiculous amount of work in a short period. I don't know about UCL since I haven't spoken to students from there. They could have a different structure but I don't think the amount of studying will be much less.

I don't want to sound condescending. I don't think less of other unis but if you truly want a lighter study environment, you should go for the unis with lower entry requirements. Going off the experiences of my friends from unis like that, what I studied in the first 2 weeks at Bristol "on my own", they were taught the same content over a span of 6-8 weeks. Unis like the ones you've chosen expect a high level of performance from day one, and they will test that.

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