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Repeating year 12 different subjects

Hi I am currently in year 12 studying BTEC extended diploma in Engineering and A-level maths so 4 a-levels. But now since its ben about half the year I feel like Engineering isn't something I will ever enjoy. TBH I feel stupid for picking it. So the GCSE grades I got was 9.9 in combined science and my question is if I change my subjects next year and repeat year 12 with different subjects to Biology, Chemistry and Geography or Maths(depends on my maths end of year grade). Judging by my GCSE grades would I manage the science subjects. I know it sounds like it's a stupid question but everyone, who I have asked has only said how hard they are and how the GCSE grades don't really matter when it comes to A-level. Please advise if I should just go for the change or should I stick with the engineering, which is a bit easier and go into a carreer that isn't bad but I wont really enjoy. Also, if I switch to the A-levels would it stop me getting into dentistry becasue i'm still completing them within 2 years but I would just be one year older. My main worry about swuching is if i wont get int dentstry or if i will struggle with the science a levels because eveyone keeps on telling me how hard they are.
Reply 1
If you want to apply for dentistry, ideally you should be studying A level chemistry, and at least one of your other two or three A level subjects is a science or maths subject, so switching to A levels would definitely put you in a better position!

As someone who's studying maths, biology and chemistry (y13), I can say that the workload is definitely manageable. Science subjects are the most popular A levels so there's loads of revision materials online, and ofc you'll have support from your teachers. Students love to be dramatic and say A levels are the most insanely difficult thing ever but honestly it's not that bad at all.

If you do switch, maybe you could join a year 13 class for the A level maths, freeing up time in your 2nd year and saving you from sitting through content you've already been taught.

Best of luck (:
Reply 2
Yeah thanks for that I still need to speak to my teacher about maths as this year maths was informal for me so on my application I don't need to write I did maths this year. So potentially if the school allow it I could do maths 2nd year twice the next 2 years to hopefully get me a good grade.

Is that something you would recommend as I know medicine and dentistry have a requirement you do the a levels in a 2 year period
Original post by zak.sa1
Hi I am currently in year 12 studying BTEC extended diploma in Engineering and A-level maths so 4 a-levels. But now since its ben about half the year I feel like Engineering isn't something I will ever enjoy. TBH I feel stupid for picking it. So the GCSE grades I got was 9.9 in combined science and my question is if I change my subjects next year and repeat year 12 with different subjects to Biology, Chemistry and Geography or Maths(depends on my maths end of year grade). Judging by my GCSE grades would I manage the science subjects. I know it sounds like it's a stupid question but everyone, who I have asked has only said how hard they are and how the GCSE grades don't really matter when it comes to A-level. Please advise if I should just go for the change or should I stick with the engineering, which is a bit easier and go into a carreer that isn't bad but I wont really enjoy. Also, if I switch to the A-levels would it stop me getting into dentistry becasue i'm still completing them within 2 years but I would just be one year older. My main worry about swuching is if i wont get int dentstry or if i will struggle with the science a levels because eveyone keeps on telling me how hard they are.
I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I've looked at different universities and from the ones I've seen i think only the University of Birmingham says you have to complete your a levels within 2 years. I also saw someone say that universities mainly care when you resit your actual a levels rather then year 12. So hopefully we should be alright in applying to dentistry as we haven't sat any exams yet.
Reply 4
Original post by Maybedentistry
I'm thinking of doing the same thing. I've looked at different universities and from the ones I've seen i think only the University of Birmingham says you have to complete your a levels within 2 years. I also saw someone say that universities mainly care when you resit your actual a levels rather then year 12. So hopefully we should be alright in applying to dentistry as we haven't sat any exams yet.

Actually I spoke to uni professors and they said the definition of sitting your a levels in 2 years means that you don't rdo any resit any year with the same subjects. Since I'm switching subjects next your I still count under doing my a levels in 2 years. If you are also repeating yr 12 with different subjects then you'll be fine for Birmingham unless you are repeating yr 12 with the same subjects
Original post by zak.sa1
Actually I spoke to uni professors and they said the definition of sitting your a levels in 2 years means that you don't rdo any resit any year with the same subjects. Since I'm switching subjects next your I still count under doing my a levels in 2 years. If you are also repeating yr 12 with different subjects then you'll be fine for Birmingham unless you are repeating yr 12 with the same subjects

I'm only switching out one of my subjects so would i still be considered as resitting?
Reply 6
Original post by Maybedentistry
I'm only switching out one of my subjects so would i still be considered as resitting?

Maybe for that specific subject unless you can convince your school to classify it as an informal year so if they were asked they would just say you self studied that subject that year just to get a taster
Reply 7
Original post by zak.sa1
Hi I am currently in year 12 studying BTEC extended diploma in Engineering and A-level maths so 4 a-levels. But now since its ben about half the year I feel like Engineering isn't something I will ever enjoy. TBH I feel stupid for picking it. So the GCSE grades I got was 9.9 in combined science and my question is if I change my subjects next year and repeat year 12 with different subjects to Biology, Chemistry and Geography or Maths(depends on my maths end of year grade). Judging by my GCSE grades would I manage the science subjects. I know it sounds like it's a stupid question but everyone, who I have asked has only said how hard they are and how the GCSE grades don't really matter when it comes to A-level. Please advise if I should just go for the change or should I stick with the engineering, which is a bit easier and go into a carreer that isn't bad but I wont really enjoy. Also, if I switch to the A-levels would it stop me getting into dentistry becasue i'm still completing them within 2 years but I would just be one year older. My main worry about swuching is if i wont get int dentstry or if i will struggle with the science a levels because eveyone keeps on telling me how hard they are.

I was thinking of taking an extended diploma in aeronautical engineering and maybe a level maths with it, would you recommend it or no.
What made you want to pick that and do engineering? And why did you decide you didn't like it
Reply 8
Original post by codyvarga
I was thinking of taking an extended diploma in aeronautical engineering and maybe a level maths with it, would you recommend it or no.
What made you want to pick that and do engineering? And why did you decide you didn't like it

To be honest I dont want to put u off it. I would say just by doing maths and physics u can get into aeronitical engineering degrees, meaning u dont need a specific course like the BTEC. I would say do maths and physics and a 3rd subject so u still can do what u desire so the engineering degree but also you leave urself with a wide range of other options just in case u do work experience or something and think engineering isn't for you.
You absolutely need chemistry for dentistry; you wouldn't get in with your current subjects
Reply 10
I realised so i'm just going to switch subjects

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