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I think ive messed up my year 12 mocks

Ive just done my physics and maths mocks and i havent done well. I dont think ive failed but my grades will def be lower than my other grades. For my last maths exam i got just A but in these mocks i dont even think i got a C. In physics im expected a B/C but i mightve got lower. My 3rd subject is art which i have an A* in but no exam was done for that one. Im really losing confidence in my other 2 subjucts especially physics. Ive just hired a physics tutor for once every week starting mid may and im going to got to support interventions aswell. Im just really disappointed beacuse i spent a month trying to revise but it felt kind of useless. Has anybody not done so well in yr 12 mocks and managed to improve by the ucas deadline in year 13? And how can i improve my physics and maths, revision wise. I do past papers but i never seem to improve on them. Any feedback will be useful :smile:. Im very desperate to bump my grades up, these mocks have definately given me the motivation to study more, but dont know how to do it effectively.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Normax
Ive just done my physics and maths mocks and i havent done well. I dont think ive failed but my grades will def be lower than my other grades. For my last maths exam i got just A but in these mocks i dont even think i got a C. In physics im expected a B/C but i mightve got lower. My 3rd subject is art which i have an A* in but no exam was done for that one. Im really losing confidence in my other 2 subjucts especially physics. Ive just hired a physics tutor for once every week starting mid may and im going to got to support interventions aswell. Im just really disappointed beacuse i spent a month trying to revise but it felt kind of useless. Has anybody not done so well in yr 12 mocks and managed to improve by the ucas deadline in year 13? And how can i improve my physics and maths, revision wise. I do past papers but i never seem to improve on them. Any feedback will be useful :smile:. Im very desperate to bump my grades up, these mocks have definately given me the motivation to study more, but dont know how to do it effectively.

were you doing the official 2023 AQA paper for physics? if so, all of the papers sucked for that year and the grade boundaries were ridiculously low, like 50% for an A. you probably did way better than you think!
You are in year 12 right? If that's the case then:


You haven't got your grades back yet, don't stress about what they could be, wait until you find out and then when you go through the paper and note down which sub-topics are your weaknesses.


2023 papers were DISGUSTING mocks, the students who took that as their exam last year in my school did really bad, but it's just the paper. I remember them and I got a C in it, and I'm in year can imagine my panic.


You have basically one year to study, I'm not saying take your time, I'm saying don't stress, you can improve your grades easily in that time.


Study during the summer holidays a little, especially the month before school starts to refresh your knowledge and know what you are doing when you go back to school. So: Year 12 revision/refresher


As a Physics student myself in my final year I can say: Year 12 Physics, Waves, Electricity and Quantum. Make sure you understand it. I do OCR and I'm not sure which you do but those topics are a lot of physics' students' weaknesses that we don't realise until it's so late - 3 months before exam 🙂


For revision, Physics: do notes. Concise notes and blurting to test your knowledge, then move to topic-papers(you can find on PMT), mark them and make sure you understand where you went wrong on the questions you get wrong and then try the question again the next day.

There's a lot I regret doing and a lot I don't regret from year 12 and half of year 13, don't say you can't do better, you can. Trust. As I said before, I got a C in my mocks but I'm aiming for an A I'm believing I can do this, and I won't stop believing unless I open that results letter and it says otherwise. I have to gain 2 grades in 2 of my subjects and that's terrifying because my first exam is in 30 days. You got this. We got this 💪:dumbells:
Reply 3
Original post by Normax
Ive just done my physics and maths mocks and i havent done well. I dont think ive failed but my grades will def be lower than my other grades. For my last maths exam i got just A but in these mocks i dont even think i got a C. In physics im expected a B/C but i mightve got lower. My 3rd subject is art which i have an A* in but no exam was done for that one. Im really losing confidence in my other 2 subjucts especially physics. Ive just hired a physics tutor for once every week starting mid may and im going to got to support interventions aswell. Im just really disappointed beacuse i spent a month trying to revise but it felt kind of useless. Has anybody not done so well in yr 12 mocks and managed to improve by the ucas deadline in year 13? And how can i improve my physics and maths, revision wise. I do past papers but i never seem to improve on them. Any feedback will be useful :smile:. Im very desperate to bump my grades up, these mocks have definately given me the motivation to study more, but dont know how to do it effectively.

OMG how did you get an A* in Art, I've been stuck at a B all year round
Reply 4
Original post by munalove
OMG how did you get an A* in Art, I've been stuck at a B all year round

Heyy my first progress grade (first term of year 12) was an A then second grade was an A*. This was for my "introductionary" so it was the teacher telling us what to do esentially. My third progress grade dropped down to an A because we have started doing the personal project, which i found was a little bit harder being in charge of your own work (tbh i got a little lazy with presenting 😅)

but main point is: making sure your quality is maintained throughout your whole sketchbook as well as having enough actual "full" pieces to boost your sketchbook. Do a couple pieces outside your sketchbook working larger scale without sacrigicing quality. It depend on the teacher i think but i think mine prefers simpler,neat presentation in sketchbook, and i try to keep the writing quite minimal. If you want to fill space i usually just put some photos that are first hand. Take lots of pictures and use a couple with diff angles to fill in any blank space

Also try not to "deep" it. Dont go too far with the "concept" of your project as i find it quite limiting moving forward. I stick to simple concepts like landscapes, figures, structures, still life. Stuff like that you get the idea.

If you have a B right now you will definitly get an A/A* next year just always put quality first🤞

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