You haven't got your grades back yet, don't stress about what they could be, wait until you find out and then when you go through the paper and note down which sub-topics are your weaknesses.
2023 papers were DISGUSTING mocks, the students who took that as their exam last year in my school did really bad, but it's just the paper. I remember them and I got a C in it, and I'm in year 13..you can imagine my panic.
You have basically one year to study, I'm not saying take your time, I'm saying don't stress, you can improve your grades easily in that time.
Study during the summer holidays a little, especially the month before school starts to refresh your knowledge and know what you are doing when you go back to school. So: Year 12 revision/refresher
As a Physics student myself in my final year I can say: Year 12 Physics, Waves, Electricity and Quantum. Make sure you understand it. I do OCR and I'm not sure which you do but those topics are a lot of physics' students' weaknesses that we don't realise until it's so late - 3 months before exam 🙂
For revision, Physics: do notes. Concise notes and blurting to test your knowledge, then move to topic-papers(you can find on PMT), mark them and make sure you understand where you went wrong on the questions you get wrong and then try the question again the next day.
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