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URGENT need tips and resources for gcse from.u guys

hey can I have some gcse revision tips for following subjects have my exams soon and stressed

- English
- combined science gcse edexcel
- spanish edexcel gcse
- arabic gcse edexcel
gcse edexcel business
history igcse
English lit and lang igcse

if u guys have like any resources u made or found link them below pls

and if u guys have any thing on macbeth drop the link below
if u made own rescources I need them thanks

Reply 1
English (I got A*s in lang + lit last year),
you can try predicting what will be (anthology) on the exam + add a few more that has not been on for a few years, make sure you read through annotations you have written during class, or go on Mrs Rumsey (youtube channel) for 'deep' analysis, I found them really useful.
After going through the parts that you are unsure about it, try practising them in timed conditions with past papers, which is available everywhere.
For the novella, you can try making up essay plans, you do not need to phrase the whole sentence, a single word could also be a phrase.
Highlight important phrases in the novella.
After condensing all the info. ,keep doing past papers, and perhaps ask teachers to mark them and give them a feedback.
I hope this helps :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by char1219
English (I got A*s in lang + lit last year),
you can try predicting what will be (anthology) on the exam + add a few more that has not been on for a few years, make sure you read through annotations you have written during class, or go on Mrs Rumsey (youtube channel) for 'deep' analysis, I found them really useful.
After going through the parts that you are unsure about it, try practising them in timed conditions with past papers, which is available everywhere.
For the novella, you can try making up essay plans, you do not need to phrase the whole sentence, a single word could also be a phrase.
Highlight important phrases in the novella.
After condensing all the info. ,keep doing past papers, and perhaps ask teachers to mark them and give them a feedback.
I hope this helps :smile:

Another tip for writing essays, make sure you embed the quote/phrase within your sentence/analysis
I say just be reasonable and try on the subjects you find fun
hello if you're looking for combined sciences ur life saver will be bbc bitesize I am not kidding
I did the CCEA exam board but honestly this was SO helpful
Hi! I’m a year 12 student, check out this thread I made for people to ask me questions on GCSE there, as you might be able to find plenty of tips!
Business is genuinely really easy when you learn the structure for the longer exam answers, I would recommend using the MOPS structure for your 12 markers, there is a document on this in the link.
Just make sure you are doing plenty of exam practice, get your teacher to mark some practice 12 markers you have done to get feedback.

Not sure if the spec has changed at all since i sat the exam but here are some resources i used when i sat the exam in 2022.
Reply 7
Original post by hhhhhhhhhannah
Business is genuinely really easy when you learn the structure for the longer exam answers, I would recommend using the MOPS structure for your 12 markers, there is a document on this in the link.
Just make sure you are doing plenty of exam practice, get your teacher to mark some practice 12 markers you have done to get feedback.
Not sure if the spec has changed at all since i sat the exam but here are some resources i used when i sat the exam in 2022.

omg ty

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