The Student Room Group

Mechatronics Manchester vs Sheffield

I have offers from Manchester (MEng Mechatronics), Sheffield (MEng Mechatronics), Bath (Meng Robotics), Liverpool (Mechatronics) and Bristol (Meng Mech and Elec). All of these are with year in industry except the last two.

I’m oscillating between selecting Manchester and Sheffield as my firm choice. I have gone through the course details, general reviews I can gather on the forums and Uni facilities, but I’m confused and not able to make up my mind.

I’m looking for Uni which will offer me best faculty and research facilities on the subject and eventually help me land a job. I’m not very specific about night life / social scene. I'm an international student.

Appreciate if anyone can share their perspective.
Reply 1
Original post by kannank
I have offers from Manchester (MEng Mechatronics), Sheffield (MEng Mechatronics), Bath (Meng Robotics), Liverpool (Mechatronics) and Bristol (Meng Mech and Elec). All of these are with year in industry except the last two.
I’m oscillating between selecting Manchester and Sheffield as my firm choice. I have gone through the course details, general reviews I can gather on the forums and Uni facilities, but I’m confused and not able to make up my mind.
I’m looking for Uni which will offer me best faculty and research facilities on the subject and eventually help me land a job. I’m not very specific about night life / social scene. I'm an international student.
Appreciate if anyone can share their perspective.

Either university will offer the best research facilities. However, neither will help land you a job. That is down to you. Do either of the universities offer a placement year? For me, that would be the decider as it gives you that crucial years experience which is massively more relevant in finding a job than the colour of your tie.

Good luck!

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