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What kind of job shall l work as a volunteer?l am level 4 of psychology student and l want to do career on health psychology.
Original post by username6313759
What kind of job shall l work as a volunteer?l am level 4 of psychology student and l want to do career on health psychology.

Anything within mental health, mentoring or healthcare setting will do just fine, something like or if you could volunteer in a hospital, particular in a psychiatric ward, that'd be fabulous (although note that volunteering posts within psychiatric wards are very, very hard to come by so just try to find experience in a hospital, find the psychologists and the mental services, build a rapport with them and take it from there)
Original post by username6313759
What kind of job shall l work as a volunteer?l am level 4 of psychology student and l want to do career on health psychology.

Hi @username6313759,

Hope you're doing well. @Scotland Yard gave some great advice but I also wanted to add that looking for oppotunites within your local area is also great option if volunteering at hospitals is proving difficult. There tend be charities and community initiatives regarding mental health so it may be worth contacting them to see if they need any volunteers. I currently volunteer for charity which runs a social support group for vulnerable adults with mental health issues or learning disabilities and the experience has been really great. Care homes are also a great place for experience too. Hope this helps and good luck!

Faheema (Psychology Ambassador for Lancaster University)
Reply 3
Original post by username6313759
What kind of job shall l work as a volunteer?l am level 4 of psychology student and l want to do career on health psychology.
Anything health related such as volunteering at Arthritis charities etc would be helpful. Also volunteering at a local hospitals ward tends to be useful as you interact with patience who came out of surgery etc.
Original post by username6313759
What kind of job shall l work as a volunteer?l am level 4 of psychology student and l want to do career on health psychology.

Hi there!

I am Lily a second year psychology student at ARU. There has been lots of great advice on previous posts, but would love to give you my experience as I am currently volunteering at the moment.

So firstly I would say if you can try and book a meeting with the careers team if you have one at the moment, this was a massive help for me as it helped me with what to search online. There are lots of great websites which offer volunteering opportunities such as GoVolHerts, and this enabled me to filter what I wanted to volunteer in, how many hours and the area I wanted. I applied for a few opportunities and this is where you would be asked for an interview.

Right now I am currently volunteering for a mental health charity. I am a volunteer which requires me to provide information to those who sign up to the courses who may be struggling. It works really well around my studies as I decide when I want to volunteer, as well as giving me an insight into what this may look like if I wish to continue with this for my future career.

I hope this helps and if there are any questions please feel free to ask!

ARU Digital Ambassador

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