I applied for Optometry at uni and received good offers but now I'm struggling to pick a firm and insurance. The unis I'm considering are City (Masters Optom course), UofM (masters Optom course) and City Foundation course ( applied as a backup-the A level grade requirements are lower). Both Manchester and City have grade requirements of AAB with only a slight difference in the subjects in which they require the grades so I was unsure as to whether it would be a good idea to put both courses with the same grade requirements as my firm and insurance? I live in London and haven't really considered moving out, I don't think I would enjoy it and think that the living away from home, and alone would be quite stressful also the costs of living on campus for uni are a con. I always have said I want to live at home whilst going to uni but UofM does seem like a great uni and it was a sort of lengthy application process with an interview so don't want to let the offer go yet,, but i need to make a decision. Would love to read any advice/ experiences that would help me make a decision.
Yes living in Manchester is expensive. But Manchester is quite nice city to live. If you like the course and the university, you should go for it.( if you can afford it ofc) The worst thing is to waste your money in the wrong place.