The Student Room Group

English Spoken Language Endorsement

Would it be a good idea to leave some stuff out my speech for my topic so I could potentially get a question on it?
Reply 1
Dependent on what your speech is about, how crucial is this piece of information you are purposely leaving out?
I did my English spoken language on Serial Killers and I was able to do this with my friend, she got her boyfriend to ask a question about one of the people we talked about and I also was able to get the guy I sat next to in that class to ask another question. Would you be able to do that? As, if you are leaving information purposely out there's a chance someone might not even consider asking a question regarding that and to the teacher it may appear that you didn't fully study/prepare your speech properly.
Reply 2
Original post by benjaminke
Dependent on what your speech is about, how crucial is this piece of information you are purposely leaving out?
I did my English spoken language on Serial Killers and I was able to do this with my friend, she got her boyfriend to ask a question about one of the people we talked about and I also was able to get the guy I sat next to in that class to ask another question. Would you be able to do that? As, if you are leaving information purposely out there's a chance someone might not even consider asking a question regarding that and to the teacher it may appear that you didn't fully study/prepare your speech properly.
My speech is on social media and the part I wanted to leave out was what could be done to stop addiction or whatever. But that is a really good idea thank you!
Reply 3
Original post by _ag.06
My speech is on social media and the part I wanted to leave out was what could be done to stop addiction or whatever. But that is a really good idea thank you!

Ahh I see, I would definitely include the solutions to social media addiction towards the end of your speech, seems a better flow don't you think
but all in all, good :biggrin:
Reply 4
Original post by benjaminke
Ahh I see, I would definitely include the solutions to social media addiction towards the end of your speech, seems a better flow don't you think
but all in all, good :biggrin:

That is true. Thank you again ☺️

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