Contact your academic tutor as a matter of urgency (or any member of Teaching staff e.g. module convenor or department head if you feel more comfortable talking to them if you don't like your academic tutor).
Make an appointment with your GP regarding your anxiety ASAP. If you have evidence that you have seen a gp (even if you aren't diagnosed) it will show that you are trying to do something about it. It might even give you a reason for mitigating circumstances.
Contact your uni's disability office if you have any sort of diagnosis you can get reasonable adjustments e.g. separate room, extensions. Whether these apply to extensions that have passed idk
Do not book any holidays for summer. There is a chance you could possibly resit those assignments depending on your uni.
Decide if uni is for you or not. Do you like your subject/course/city. Would you be happier at another uni if you reapplied?
Evaluate your current studying/organisation process and improve it.