The Student Room Group

Missed all coursework deadlines

Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?
Original post by Anonymous
Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?

Speak to your department asap
Original post by Anonymous
Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?


How many assignments and how much were % they worth? If you have exams all hope might not be lost depending on what the requirement is to pass the module (usually this is 40% but it might be higher depending on the course e.g. medicine etc).

Contact your academic tutor as a matter of urgency (or any member of Teaching staff e.g. module convenor or department head if you feel more comfortable talking to them if you don't like your academic tutor).

Make an appointment with your GP regarding your anxiety ASAP. If you have evidence that you have seen a gp (even if you aren't diagnosed) it will show that you are trying to do something about it. It might even give you a reason for mitigating circumstances.

Contact your uni's disability office if you have any sort of diagnosis you can get reasonable adjustments e.g. separate room, extensions. Whether these apply to extensions that have passed idk

Do not book any holidays for summer. There is a chance you could possibly resit those assignments depending on your uni.

Decide if uni is for you or not. Do you like your subject/course/city. Would you be happier at another uni if you reapplied?

Evaluate your current studying/organisation process and improve it.

I remember when I started uni all my lecturers told us you really need to be checking your emails every day (at least once a week). Last minute room changes, cancellations etc are often contacted by lecturers to group cohorts like this (trust me I have arrived at a 9am and noone was there, and it was very annoying, but that wouldn't have occurred if I'd checked the email).

Hope you manage to get something sorted!
Original post by Anonymous
Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?

Hi there,

You need to speak to your faculty and module leaders as soon as possible. Let them know the reason of you missing the deadline. If you have any official proof of your mental health struggles, that might help.

But for the future - please, do get in touch with academics prior to the deadline if you struggle with any type of assignment. Their job is to provide support, guide and teach you. They are your friends and would try their best to support you.

Please, let me know if you have any questions,
Ilya :smile:
Second year cyber security student.
Original post by Anonymous
Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?

Hi there,

I'm sorry to read this! I totally understand not checking email out of stress and anxiety but I strongly recommend contacting your tutor and the extenuating circumstances team at your school to see what can be done. Again, I'm sorry that you're in this situation!

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep
Original post by Anonymous
Completely lost track of time over a few months thanks to not checking emails due to anxiety and now missed the deadline for all modules except one. Is there anything that can be done to salvage the year?

HI there,

This sounds really frustrating for you. I would say to contact your university as soon as possible and see if there is anything you can do to sort this out.

You could speak to your university help team and see if they can help with anything, especially if you can explain your circumstances they may be able to help, it's worth an ask anyway.

Also I would contact your academic advisor/personal tutor as they can sometimes help you with things like this.
If you explain your circumstances to them they may be able to offer you some guidance, or just point you in the right direction of who you need to speak to. It's also worth contacting your tutors of the modules the assignments were for as they may be able to help you with this.

As others have said, I would ensure that you are free in the summer over the reassessment period as they may be able to offer you a reassessment for these modules. Even if this is capped, it's a good opportunity to still do the work and pass those modules, or you may have to resit the whole year next year. They may not be able to offer this to you but it is worth checking.

In the future, as well as checking your emails more, make sure you keep in contact with the university wellbeing team as they can help you if you are going through something which is making it hard to do your work. You can usually request help if you need it so it is worth keeping in touch with them so that they can be there for you if needed.
Again, it's worth keeping in touch with your personal tutor too as they can also help you if you need it. You may also be able to get extensions for assignments in the future which would avoid you being in this position.

I hope some of this helps,

Lucy -SHU student ambassador.

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