The Student Room Group

Where should I study for dentistry Bulgaria or Romania

Hey everyone, I applied to dentistry this year from the UK.
I have gotten a condition offer from Targu murres Romania university as well my results from the Plovdiv entrance exam. Biology- 5.36 and chemistry- 5.67.
Which university would you recommend to go to and why as I see both being a possibility?
Original post by Sakiryu
Hey everyone, I applied to dentistry this year from the UK.
I have gotten a condition offer from Targu murres Romania university as well my results from the Plovdiv entrance exam. Biology- 5.36 and chemistry- 5.67.
Which university would you recommend to go to and why as I see both being a possibility?

I know a lot of UK students go to Bulgaria so there is potentially more support for when you come back to the UK so I personally would recommend Bulgaria. How did you prepare for the entrance exam?

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