The Student Room Group

Can I reject a Uni after results day?

Hello. Here's the situation im in rn. I have offer from Queen Mary but ive been rejected from UCL. Obviosuly I would rather go ucl since its the beter uni overall and especially for engineering. Lets say I get the grades to get in UCL and get accepted to Queen.

Can I reject queen mary on results day and wait till next year to apply for UCL or do i have to go to Queen mary?

Lets assume there is a special occasion that UCL does clearing this year. Can I go through clearing or not since UCL initially rejected me, or does this not matter?

If i do wait for next year, what about my student loan thingy that i applied for?

Reply 1
You can reject any place you have on or after Results Day - just decline the place on UCAS Hub.
You can then apply again from September for 2025 entry, and you could even reapply to QMUL, they wont mind that you declined them this year. Just be aware that some accommodation contracts can have a penalty fee if you cancel - check carefully.
Yes you can reject Queen Mary on results day if your grades are good enough to be considered by UCL next year.

IF UCL go into clearing then you would need to reject the offers you hold and then apply to UCL via clearing. Its unlikely that UCL will go into clearing.

What a lot of unis do is the accept people who were offered and accepted a place at that uni as a firm choice even if they drop a grade - AAA offer but got AAB. They would much rather have a student who is keen to go to that uni but who just missed the grades rather than an A*A*A student who did not apply and just happens to have good grades and is now asking to attend.

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