Me and my friend were recently talking about drugs in the world
Who has ever done any sort of drug in their lives besides doctor prescribed drugs - I mean illegal and harmful drugs. Which ones have you taken, at what age and why?
i think there was a thread on this a while ago, but it got deleted. apparently it was promoting illegal activity. personally i dont think it is, but there you go...
I see from your profile that you study pharmacology... so perhaps you're taking a professional interest in drugs.
I don't think you can actually suggest that there is really any merit to most illegal drugs though, can you?
Id say there was actually, drugs [illegal or not] are often used as social things that help people have a good time (merit surely) while others [hallucinogens] can often help people creatively.... thats merit enough compared to a lot of other purposeless things humans do. From a young age, we try and experience altered states of conscience, be it through getting really dizzy on a roundabout to having a drink. Drugs are an extention of this standard human behaviour.
Personally i dont take drugs to 'get wasted' like so many people do with alcohol. I see it as an experience to be shared with others.
Id say there was actually, drugs [illegal or not] are often used as social things that help people have a good time (merit surely) while others [hallucinogens] can often help people creatively.... thats merit enough compared to a lot of other purposeless things humans do. From a young age, we try and experience altered states of conscience, be it through getting really dizzy on a roundabout to having a drink. Drugs are an extention of this standard human behaviour.
Personally i dont take drugs to 'get wasted' like so many people do with alcohol. I see it as an experience to be shared with others.
That's the biggest load of crap I've read in a long time.
you talking about Shane or turps? lol, I dont do it alot. Only when its infront of my face, which is very rare and we have no turps at home, I did that at GCSE art 4 years ago. I know Im not the only one who smells nail varnish remover.