Me and my friend were recently talking about drugs in the world
Who has ever done any sort of drug in their lives besides doctor prescribed drugs - I mean illegal and harmful drugs. Which ones have you taken, at what age and why?
why is it acceptable to drink but if you take drugs you are negatively stero-typed? alcohol can do just as much damage. thousands of ppl die a week from alchol abuse. nowhere near that amount of ppl die from drug abuse. oh and youre more likely to die chewing on a cabbage leaf than taking ecstasy (according to a film but i cant remember what one). smokings just as bad as well. if youre smoking grass, at least you get something out of it (you get high) if you just smoke cigs all you get is lung cancer.
why is it acceptable to drink but if you take drugs you are negatively stero-typed? alchol can do just as much damage. thousands of ppl die a week from alchol abuse. nowhere near that amount of ppl die from drug abuse. oh and youre more likely to die chewing on a cabbage leaf than taking ecstasy (according to a film but i cant remember what one). smokings just as bad as well. if youre smoking grass, at least you get something out of it (you get high) if you just smoke cigs all you get is lung cancer.
Your right smoking and alcohol are just as bad but it doesnt make the use of classified drugs any better.
Your right smoking and alcohol are just as bad but it doesnt make the use of classified drugs any better.
oh yeah i know, i mean smack is far worse than alcohol, but i think alcohol is worse than weed. for one, ppl get far more violent wen they are drinking, but if they have just had a smoke, they dont wanna fight anyone, thats far to much effort!
Your right smoking and alcohol are just as bad but it doesnt make the use of classified drugs any better.
Yeah, a major difference is that the use of legal drugs such as alcohol are quality regulated. You aren't likely to drop dead due to an impurity in a bottle of budweiser, where as any potentially lethal impurities can be mixed in with a tablet of ecstacy without you realising before hand.
oh yeah i know, i mean smack is far worse than alcohol, but i think alcohol is worse than weed. for one, ppl get far more violent wen they are drinking, but if they have just had a smoke, they dont wanna fight anyone, thats far to much effort!
Weed though can cause induced schizophrenia in some patients and cause brain damage but then so does alcohol. Also alcohol doesnt make everyone want to fight. Binge drinking has a lot to answer for in the unsocial effects of alcohol use.
Yeah, a major difference is that the use of legal drugs such as alcohol are quality regulated. You aren't likely to drop dead due to an impurity in a bottle of budweiser, where as any potentially lethal impurities can be mixed in with a tablet of ecstacy without you realising before hand.
Impurities in street drugs is usually what causes deaths in users. Also methadone which is particularly toxic is used for heroine withdrawal and is a big contender in deaths seen in heroine addicts.
i'd have thought petrol was a solvent? and i didnt think it was illegal either
Inhalants (or solvents):
Inhalants are ordinary household or industrial products that are inhaled or sniffed by solvent abusers to achieve intoxication. There are hundreds of household products on the market today that can be misused as inhalants, including glue, nail polish remover, cleaning fluids, hair spray, petrol, the propellant in aerosol cans and correction fluid. When inhaled via the nose or mouth into the lungs in sufficient concentrations, inhalants can cause intoxicating effects that can last a few minutes or several hours if inhalants are taken repeatedly
Controlled substances come in a variety of forms, They all induce different effects and are classified by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
Solvents such as petrol are also classified as a drug under this act. I never said petrol was illegal.
Weed though can cause induced schizophrenia in some patients and cause brain damage but then so does alcohol. Also alcohol doesnt make everyone want to fight. Binge drinking has a lot to answer for in the unsocial effects of alcohol use.
no, it doesnt make everyone want to fight, your right, but people who have smoked a lot are a lot less likely to be violent at the time than someone who is blind drunk, from my experience anyway.
personally i think if they legalized drugs (with strict age regulations etc) there would be a lot less problems with ppl OD-ing as they wouldnt be full of crap. also, people wouldnt have to buy their drugs from nasty ppl and 16 year old runaways wouldnt be snatched up by pimps and have their whole lives taken away from them. i know a lot of ppl will probably strongly disagree with this opinion, but i think it would work.
Smoke weed occassionally, but only between friends. There's nothing like a sunday afternoon, friends, a comedy film and a few tubs of ben and jerry's. Would never try anything stronger.
no, it doesnt make everyone want to fight, your right, but people who have smoked a lot are a lot less likely to be violent at the time than someone who is blind drunk, from my experience anyway.
personally i think if they legalized drugs (with strict age regulations etc) there would be a lot less problems with ppl OD-ing as they wouldnt be full of crap. also, people wouldnt have to buy their drugs from nasty ppl and 16 year old runaways wouldnt be snatched up by pimps and have their whole lives taken away from them. i know a lot of ppl will probably strongly disagree with this opinion, but i think it would work.
I think legalisation is saying that its ok to use these substances when its not. they were banned for a reason as they reduced worker productivity and still caused deaths. there will still be people on the street sellling bad drugs at a cheaper price and will be pushing outside schools to get kids hooked just like they do know. Restriction is the key and the law shouldnt be changed to allow easier use. I do think treatment programmes for heroine users should be changed and would like to see the removal of methadone being used in treatment.
Impurities in street drugs is usually what causes deaths in users. Also methadone which is particularly toxic is used for heroine withdrawal and is a big contender in deaths seen in heroine addicts.
i think a lot of drugs are actually purer than ppl think. most drug dealers do not want to kill off their business. the only time i have known drugs to be impure is coke cut with paracetomal so the dealer can get more out what he has. i know it does happen, and its really bad when it does, but a lot of deaths happen through overdose or the person just being badly informed e.g. ectsasy use and drinking to much alcohol/not enough water/too much water.
Id say there was actually, drugs [illegal or not] are often used as social things that help people have a good time (merit surely)
so all experiences in which we can 'have a good time' are a merit, regardless of the possibile consequences?
while others [hallucinogens] can often help people creatively.... thats merit enough compared to a lot of other purposeless things humans do. From a young age, we try and experience altered states of conscience, be it through getting really dizzy on a roundabout to having a drink. Drugs are an extention of this standard human behaviour.
please expand on 'help people creatively'. having to escape reality to achieve creativeness doesn't do the best for an individual's mental health.
do children often become addicted to the dizzy feeling experienced from a roundabout - do they crave the feeling and need to return everyday to enable them to get through the rest of the day?
drugs are not an extension of the so-called standard human behaviour, they are a manipulation.
Personally i dont take drugs to 'get wasted' like so many people do with alcohol. I see it as an experience to be shared with others.
an experience to be shared with others?!! i take it you haven't suffered the delights of severe addiction when your body starts shutting down and becomes dependent on things you once thought were recreational. I'm sure people at that extreme aspect of the spectrum originally shared your sentiments too.
i agree legalising all drugs would be the best solution to the problem of over dosing etc, although the number of users would probably rise, it would remove many of the dangers involved with drugs such as impurity, gang crime etcetc +it would make controlling a habit cheaper and thus less socially destructive than it is at the moment
it would also help parts of the world such as columbia and afghanistan where drug lords control much of the country
I think legalisation is saying that its ok to use these substances when its not. they were banned for a reason as they reduced worker productivity and still caused deaths. there will still be people on the street sellling bad drugs at a cheaper price and will be pushing outside schools to get kids hooked just like they do know. Restriction is the key and the law shouldnt be changed to allow easier use. I do think treatment programmes for heroine users should be changed and would like to see the removal of methadone being used in treatment.
i think methadone should be removed from treatment programmes as well, they just end up hooked on that instead of heroin. i think that if it was regulated properly most people would rather buy their drugs from a shop, legally without breaking the law than off pushers in the street. i also schools should provide much better drugs education than they do now, and at a younger age.
Smoke weed occassionally, but only between friends. There's nothing like a sunday afternoon, friends, a comedy film and a few tubs of ben and jerry's. Would never try anything stronger.
And for your information, none of the captain pugwash characters were called such inappropriate names, it's an urban myth.