The Student Room Group

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Reply 140
People who drink alcohol are in the majority, people who do drugs are in the minority. If drugs weren't illegal a lot more people would be doing them, so a lot more people would die.

i dont think that that is strictly true. if heroin became legal, would you take it? i know i wouldnt. there will always be a social stigma attached to drugs, even if they became legal, so it is unlikely that people would take them as much as they drink.
Reply 141
Why would more people be doing drugs if they were legal? I'm sure everyone in this thread could get hold of any drug they'd like if they so wished but you don't because you've weighed up the facts and decided not to. Why don't have a little more confidence in your intelligence as an individual and don't assume everyone is stupid. At least if drugs were legal there would be some regulation which would REDUCE HARM, which if I'm not mistaken is the whole point to them being outlawed.
Reply 142
Ive never taken drugs and hopefully never will. I despise them :cool:

:dito: I despise them too. Nasty horrible things drugs :frown:
I haven't taken them either
I haven't taken them either


I fear addiction