The Student Room Group

Is this normal for other sixth forms?

In my school (currently in year 12), they say if you get below a D in these end of year exams you have to retake the year. Is this also in other schools? (btw this is Alevel end of year mocks not as level exams)
Reply 1
Original post by annoymous72
In my school (currently in year 12), they say if you get below a D in these end of year exams you have to retake the year. Is this also in other schools? (btw this is Alevel end of year mocks not as level exams)

You could always go to another 6th form but I think maybe their policy is to redo the year if you want to do ur a levels with them. Also, might be hard switching sixth forms if you got less than D grades.
I’ve heard of schools insisting students retake a year because that’s safer than just trying to carry on sometimes. Seems standard but idk that’s just me
Reply 2
Original post by annoymous72
In my school (currently in year 12), they say if you get below a D in these end of year exams you have to retake the year. Is this also in other schools? (btw this is Alevel end of year mocks not as level exams)

Hi, I think is normal. My school makes you retake it if you get a D.

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