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Psychology - mock - a levels revision

Heyy all, so I got my mock back and I got really bad I got an E like that’s not what I ever thought would be possible for me to get in a psychology mock as my lowest/mid ish is C/D and like I’m most people in my year have also scored similarly and my teachers have said comments like we as student have to do more in AO2 and like if you don’t add this in your answers then the examiner will mark it 0. And like she was saying how she has lost sleep over this and she doesn’t know how else to tell us, but from my point of view as a student, who’s doing 3 A levels all of which are essay based and y13 being hard as it is my cw for English Literature, having her to say that makes me feel even more stressed and worried. I know there’s only like 24 ish days left and I’m honestly doing as much as I can in these last couple of weeks but I just don’t know how I can up my grade as I’m worried I’ll be stuck at this E grade and I’ve never got this before in a levels as I would get Cs ish at or if reallly bad then a D. Any tips with revision for AQA a level psychology woudl be very appreciated esp for research mehotds too
Reply 1
Original post by Lillsss23
Heyy all, so I got my mock back and I got really bad I got an E like that’s not what I ever thought would be possible for me to get in a psychology mock as my lowest/mid ish is C/D and like I’m most people in my year have also scored similarly and my teachers have said comments like we as student have to do more in AO2 and like if you don’t add this in your answers then the examiner will mark it 0. And like she was saying how she has lost sleep over this and she doesn’t know how else to tell us, but from my point of view as a student, who’s doing 3 A levels all of which are essay based and y13 being hard as it is my cw for English Literature, having her to say that makes me feel even more stressed and worried. I know there’s only like 24 ish days left and I’m honestly doing as much as I can in these last couple of weeks but I just don’t know how I can up my grade as I’m worried I’ll be stuck at this E grade and I’ve never got this before in a levels as I would get Cs ish at or if reallly bad then a D. Any tips with revision for AQA a level psychology woudl be very appreciated esp for research mehotds too

Hi! Im doing my AQA a level psych paper soon as well! Tips for revision I'd say just knowing the content and what kind of questions they could ask by looking at the spec! Also for research methods you can find practice papers on google that are really helpful, and main tip is that if they say in the question 'in this research' make sure you apply your answer to the research/study they are describing. i ALWAYS lose marks for not applying evaluation of questionnaires for example to the stem/study (if there is one) and you want to be as specific to the question as possible. For the bit about how you need to do more AO2, I would try not to over think it, look at the key words they ask in the question (outline, evaluate, descirbe, using the stem.. etc) and that can help you have an idea of what AOs you need to include. Again i struggled with this, and i found looking at past papers helpful as they say what AOs you should write about in the mark scheme. I hope this is helpful and honestly don't worry, there is still time to bring your grade up! :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by RoseBobby
Hi! Im doing my AQA a level psych paper soon as well! Tips for revision I'd say just knowing the content and what kind of questions they could ask by looking at the spec! Also for research methods you can find practice papers on google that are really helpful, and main tip is that if they say in the question 'in this research' make sure you apply your answer to the research/study they are describing. i ALWAYS lose marks for not applying evaluation of questionnaires for example to the stem/study (if there is one) and you want to be as specific to the question as possible. For the bit about how you need to do more AO2, I would try not to over think it, look at the key words they ask in the question (outline, evaluate, descirbe, using the stem.. etc) and that can help you have an idea of what AOs you need to include. Again i struggled with this, and i found looking at past papers helpful as they say what AOs you should write about in the mark scheme. I hope this is helpful and honestly don't worry, there is still time to bring your grade up! :smile:

Thank you so much! I’ll def try this
Reply 3
Original post by Lillsss23
Heyy all, so I got my mock back and I got really bad I got an E like that’s not what I ever thought would be possible for me to get in a psychology mock as my lowest/mid ish is C/D and like I’m most people in my year have also scored similarly and my teachers have said comments like we as student have to do more in AO2 and like if you don’t add this in your answers then the examiner will mark it 0. And like she was saying how she has lost sleep over this and she doesn’t know how else to tell us, but from my point of view as a student, who’s doing 3 A levels all of which are essay based and y13 being hard as it is my cw for English Literature, having her to say that makes me feel even more stressed and worried. I know there’s only like 24 ish days left and I’m honestly doing as much as I can in these last couple of weeks but I just don’t know how I can up my grade as I’m worried I’ll be stuck at this E grade and I’ve never got this before in a levels as I would get Cs ish at or if reallly bad then a D. Any tips with revision for AQA a level psychology woudl be very appreciated esp for research mehotds too

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