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How does do a masters in another subject after bachelors work?

Hi. I plan on doing mechanical engineering Beng then after that I might change to something else like computer engineering for masters. Does this mean I have to do 4 year of computer engineering meaning I have to study 3 years for Beng mech eng then 4 years for comp eng Meng. Or do i do the 3 years of mech eng then only 1 year of comp eng? I hope i made this question clear idk how to phrase it. Thanks!
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Original post by Savesta
Hi. I plan on doing mechanical engineering Beng then after that I might change to something else like computer engineering for masters. Does this mean I have to do 4 year of computer engineering meaning I have to study 3 years for Beng mech eng then 4 years for comp eng Meng. Or do i do the 3 years of mech eng then only 1 year of comp eng? I hope i made this question clear idk how to phrase it. Thanks!

A BEng is an undergrad degree (the B stands for Bachelors). After completion of an undergrad degree you can go on to complete an MSc (where the M stands for Masters), which is a one year, standalone masters degree. An MEng (where the M also stands for Masters) is an undergraduate degree, but it combines a bachelors and masters into a single degree, so finishes off at masters level. After completion of a bachelors it'd be far more typical to go on to do an MSc, which would entail an extra year of studying. Note that you can't enter directly into the final year of an MEng degree - if you want to do one, you have to start from year 1.

More generally, there is no point in doing a BEng in one subject and a masters in another if you already know you want to switch subjects - just do a bachelors in the subject you most want to do.

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