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Am I the only one who failed some of their GCSEs?

Like they got below a 4/C?
Reply 1
I think 2/3rds of my year group at my old school had to resit something (so either failed maths, English, or both.) you won’t be the only one.
Reply 2
Original post by Lugg13
I think 2/3rds of my year group at my old school had to resit something (so either failed maths, English, or both.) you won’t be the only one.
I passed the ones you need to pass like Maths and English but failed Science, Art and Sociology.
Original post by Anony345533
Like they got below a 4/C?

You certainly aren't and won't be the only one. School and learning can be difficult for lots of people.

Having taught re-sit students, the best advice I can give is that rather than seeing it as you've 'failed' try to look at it as 'you tried your best'. If you always try your best nobody can ask more from you - some people are very academic and some aren't. The lowest grade I got was a C in History, which I was quite fortunate to get. This was only because I put in work over the last month to learn as much content as I could that was missed. Do I see that C as a failure, absolutely not, I did my best. The more you can look at it in this way the better you'll be if/when you go onto re-sit.
Reply 4
Original post by Yipiyap_EthanP
You certainly aren't and won't be the only one. School and learning can be difficult for lots of people.
Having taught re-sit students, the best advice I can give is that rather than seeing it as you've 'failed' try to look at it as 'you tried your best'. If you always try your best nobody can ask more from you - some people are very academic and some aren't. The lowest grade I got was a C in History, which I was quite fortunate to get. This was only because I put in work over the last month to learn as much content as I could that was missed. Do I see that C as a failure, absolutely not, I did my best. The more you can look at it in this way the better you'll be if/when you go onto re-sit.
I had potential in Science and Art and in Sociology I improved, so if I stayed in my original set in set 5 Science I would have got 2 GCSEs and passed as it's combined science papers on higher but I left due to potential bullying and went to set 6, that meant I came out with Es in physics and biology foundation separate papers and D in chemistry. Overall it was a D and it could have been a C or B if I had done combined science in set 6 but my class don't like that, so I left with 1 GCSE. Art I had potential too if I had bothered with coursework but I didn't bother as it was too much to fix in one day and there wasn't much time so I gave up and got a D (the exam unit was an E so my coursework unit needed to be fixed a lot to get a C), Sociology I was up and down with B then C then F (didn't do all the right sections) then D in the real thing which is progress and a C in a paper I didn't revise for. I made progress in science and sociology just not enough and I passed bits of each subject otherwise all 3 subjects were Ds.
Reply 5
Original post by Yipiyap_EthanP
You certainly aren't and won't be the only one. School and learning can be difficult for lots of people.
Having taught re-sit students, the best advice I can give is that rather than seeing it as you've 'failed' try to look at it as 'you tried your best'. If you always try your best nobody can ask more from you - some people are very academic and some aren't. The lowest grade I got was a C in History, which I was quite fortunate to get. This was only because I put in work over the last month to learn as much content as I could that was missed. Do I see that C as a failure, absolutely not, I did my best. The more you can look at it in this way the better you'll be if/when you go onto re-sit.
I am academic though because I did higher in school and was able to do higher and not foundation, I failed every foundation test I did but passed higher because it's less marks to pass. I may not have done well at GCSE but had potential at A Level to get 3 A*s or 3 As.

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