The Student Room Group

Worried about the acceptance of my A level Qualifications. Need an answer

I have just returned to the UK after living overseas for a couple of years. I ended up taking my GCSE's (IGCSE's) under Cambridge's international examination board (CAIE) overseas.

I have started my A levels here in the UK and want to take my A level exams through CAIE as a private candidate. I was wondering if this (having a CAIE A level Qualification)would have any effects on me being accepted as a home student in the UK or Being eligible for an apprenticeship. (I am an ordinary resident now and also a British citizen).
Reply 1
Cambridge International A levels are considered to be exactly the same as UK A levels by all UK Unis and this would not disadvantaged your application.

The question of 'Home fees' is entirely different and is not dependant on your qualifications, but your recent residency etc.
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Cambridge International A levels are considered to be exactly the same as UK A levels by all UK Unis and this would not disadvantaged your application.
The question of 'Home fees' is entirely different and is not dependant on your qualifications, but your recent residency etc.

Thanks for the reply,
Sorry I am a bit paranoid about this. Would submitting these CIE A levels qualifications, from a universities perspective raise any questions about my residency in the UK??
Reply 3
Original post by rlx_Userhim
Thanks for the reply,
Sorry I am a bit paranoid about this. Would submitting these CIE A levels qualifications, from a universities perspective raise any questions about my residency in the UK??

You have to give details of your schooling so it will be obvious that you obtained these A levels overseas.

Fee status is complicated so it will be up to each Uni to ask questions and decide your status - here is same basic guidance Understanding your tuition fee status (
Reply 4
Original post by McGinger
You have to give details of your schooling so it will be obvious that you obtained these A levels overseas.
Fee status is complicated so it will be up to each Uni to ask questions and decide your status - here is same basic guidance Understanding your tuition fee status (

I am a Private A level candidate in the UK. Only my GCSE's were overseas.

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