The Student Room Group

CTA Exams

Hi all,
I've recently completed my ACA and now have shifted across to Corp Intl Tax which have definitely found to be a lot more interesting (than audit!!!) and so will now be taking my CTA Exams.

Plan is to complete CTA in 2 sittings - do Awareness & AT OMB in November 2024 and then AT Taxation of Larger Companies and Groups & APS Taxation of Larger Companies and Groups in May 2025.

Am I being overly ambitious by doing 2 at a time? I've sat my ACA professionals 3x + 3x and then advanced 2x together but have heard a lot about CTA being more challenging that ACA. Work is pretty light atm and on a personal level, I know I can and will commit myself.

Has anyone followed a similar pathway/route?

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