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how much would Computer Science A level NEA affect chances of getting an A*?


I had submitted my NEA for Computer Science A level two weeks ago in which it was not completed.

I had been hinted by my teachers that I received a very low mark on it.

So, I am worried. If I had failed my NEA for Computer Science A level, but had theoretically got very high marks in Paper 1 and Paper 2, could I still achieve an A* or is it impossible?
Reply 1
Hello, from what I understand you should have longer on your NEA as I am currently working on my own NEA and my teacher is asking for it in today, though I believe the exam board's deadline is not until May 16th. Though if you are unable to make changes to your NEA, considering it is worth 20% of your grade I believe you could get an A but not an A*, you'd need 264 marks overall based on 2022's grade boundaries, but a maximum of 210 can be achieved through getting 2 A*s on paper 1 and 2
Original post by lunariava
Hello, from what I understand you should have longer on your NEA as I am currently working on my own NEA and my teacher is asking for it in today, though I believe the exam board's deadline is not until May 16th. Though if you are unable to make changes to your NEA, considering it is worth 20% of your grade I believe you could get an A but not an A*, you'd need 264 marks overall based on 2022's grade boundaries, but a maximum of 210 can be achieved through getting 2 A*s on paper 1 and 2

are you saying that you would need 90-100% on both papers to get an A if the NEA mark is low
Reply 3
Original post by kkristina15
are you saying that you would need 90-100% on both papers to get an A if the NEA mark is low

I'm not too sure on your exam board, in my case I'm under the OCR exam board, in the OCR exam board across all 3 components to get an A* you'd need an overall mark of 264, you can get a maximum of 210 marks from the papers alone, so you'd need 54 marks on your NEA to achieve an A* which in itself getting 54 marks would mean being one mark off an A* in your NEA. So you'd need to achieve a high A bordering A* on your NEA to get an overall A*, making it impossible to get an A* overall if your NEA mark is low
Reply 4
Original post by kkristina15
are you saying that you would need 90-100% on both papers to get an A if the NEA mark is low
Just realised I also didn't answer your original question, it ultimately depends on how low your NEA mark is but if you're aiming for an A that'd be 229 marks overall, so if we're talking your NEA is like C/D grade then yeah you'd probably need between 90-100% on both papers to achieve an A grade
Original post by lunariava
I'm not too sure on your exam board, in my case I'm under the OCR exam board, in the OCR exam board across all 3 components to get an A* you'd need an overall mark of 264, you can get a maximum of 210 marks from the papers alone, so you'd need 54 marks on your NEA to achieve an A* which in itself getting 54 marks would mean being one mark off an A* in your NEA. So you'd need to achieve a high A bordering A* on your NEA to get an overall A*, making it impossible to get an A* overall if your NEA mark is low

This is wrong.

Yes in 2022 you needed to get 264. In 2023 this went up to 286. It's likely to be between 270 and 290 this year, depending on a range of factors.

Max mark for both papers is 280 and not 210 so I don't know where you got that from. You do need to get something in the NEA as it's impossible to get an A* otherwise (so at least 7-10 marks if you theoretically got full marks on both papers).

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