The Student Room Group

GCSEs 2024

Does anyone have any tips for panic attacks in the exam hall? I've suffered with panic attacks my whole life and throughout mocks I found it so hard to stay in the hall and had loads of panic attacks where I didn't leave but was on the verge. Does anyone have any advice because I know I'll be 10x more anxious than I was for the mocks and i really want to avoid leaving the hall. What I struggle most with is nausea because I have a big fear of throwing up and obviously anxiety makes you nauseous so then I get more anxious about feeling nauseous and then it just turns into a vicious cycle
Original post by Lottiematthews
Does anyone have any tips for panic attacks in the exam hall? I've suffered with panic attacks my whole life and throughout mocks I found it so hard to stay in the hall and had loads of panic attacks where I didn't leave but was on the verge. Does anyone have any advice because I know I'll be 10x more anxious than I was for the mocks and i really want to avoid leaving the hall. What I struggle most with is nausea because I have a big fear of throwing up and obviously anxiety makes you nauseous so then I get more anxious about feeling nauseous and then it just turns into a vicious cycle

I have found talking to my SENDCO about accommodations where possible really helped me. Or even pastoral if you're comfortable to see if they get you any accommodations, such letting you keep a grounding item or even a separate room.
Good luck!

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