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University of Birmingham or University of Manchester for Mechanical Engineering?

I'm a Year 13 student about do do my exams and I've been struggling to decide between firming and insuring Uni of Birmingham and Uni of Manchester. Both are very prestigious, so I'm not overly concerned about that aspect. It's mainly the different types of experiences I'll get at either. Mechanical Engineering is a pretty standardised degree because it needs to be accredited (correct me if I'm wrong, as that's just my understanding of it) so that's also another place where I can't distinguish between them. The main difference is that Birmingham is a campus uni and Manchester is a city uni. Can anyone give me some more pros and cons of both, as I'm so indecisive. If someone could tell me about their experience please. Another part is that Birmingham offer is lower at AAB (ABB if I get an A in EPQ, which I'm fairly confident on) and Manchester is A*A*A. Both would need an A/A* in maths or physics respectively.
Thanks sm!
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by naiyab
I'm a Year 13 student about do do my exams and I've been struggling to decide between firming and insuring Uni of Birmingham and Uni of Manchester. Both are very prestigious, so I'm not overly concerned about that aspect. It's mainly the different types of experiences I'll get at either. Mechanical Engineering is a pretty standardised degree because it needs to be accredited (correct me if I'm wrong, as that's just my understanding of it) so that's also another place where I can't distinguish between them. The main difference is that Birmingham is a campus uni and Manchester is a city uni. Can anyone give me some more pros and cons of both, as I'm so indecisive. If someone could tell me about their experience please. Another part is that Birmingham offer is lower at AAB (ABB if I get an A in EPQ, which I'm fairly confident on) and Manchester is A*A*A. Both would need an A/A* in maths or physics respectively.
Thanks sm!
I currently study at Manchester (not engineering) but the engineering building is very nice and quite close to the city so it’s very easy to like get food and stuff after. Also the engineering building is huge and has very new facilities and study spaces. I’m not sure about Birmingham tho :smile: . disadvantage if you see it as one is that the engineering building is slightly separated from the other main uni buildings but it’s only about 10 mins walk. Good luck!!

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