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Edexcel GCSE Statistics Paper 2 Higher Tier (1ST0 2H) - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]


How well did your Edexcel GCSE Statistics Paper 2 Higher Tier (1ST0 2H) exam go today?

Edexcel GCSE Statistics Paper 2 Higher Tier (1ST0 2H) - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 17th June / PM
Length: 1h 30m
(edited 9 months ago)

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Reply 1
Hi. Any predictions what is going to be in this paper based off of the last one?
Reply 2
Original post by Puslane
Hi. Any predictions what is going to be in this paper based off of the last one?

I mean, its been a few days since paper 1 now and I think i've blocked it from my mind 😂 but I'm doing higher and i made a list of the things I don't think came up too much:
-6 marker on enquiry cycle (or maybe there was, idk)
-Spearman's rank correlation coefficient/Pearson's
-Standard deviation
-Tables/charts (maybe drawing a pie chart)
So yeahh, i found there were lots of interpreting questions of topics but without needing to calculate, so maybe that's coming up. Please tell me if anyone finds any others I really need to start revising!
Reply 3
Predicted paper if anyone wants it (I made it) has all the likely topics:
Q1 = Box and whiskers Diagrams
Q2 = Chloropleth Maps and Censuses
Q3 = Petersen capture recapture
Q4 = Extended response on investigation plans and improvements
Q5 = Comparing data sets and experiments + sampling key words
Q6 = Representing data and Risk
Q7 = Index numbers, chain index, crude rates of change, CPI and RPI, Examples of secondary data
Q8 = Venn diagrams and Conditional probability
Q9 = Stem and leaf diagrams, airthmetic mean, outliers (+calc), skew, evaluating different ways to represent data graphically
Q10 = Stratified sampling and Pilot studies
Q11 = All about normal distributions including comparisons and %
Q12 = All about correlation and regression including scatter plots, PMCC, averages and correlation calculations

Topics not on there but high probabiliyt (because I thought they couldn't be fitted onto the 80 marks as they were the easier stuff):
Geometric means
Skew calculations
Controlling extraneous variables
Standardized rates of change
Cleaning data
Reply 4
Predicted paper if anyone wants it (I made it) has all the likely topics:
Q1 = Box and whiskers Diagrams
Q2 = Chloropleth Maps and Censuses
Q3 = Petersen capture recapture
Q4 = Extended response on investigation plans and improvements
Q5 = Comparing data sets and experiments + sampling key words
Q6 = Representing data and Risk
Q7 = Index numbers, chain index, crude rates of change, CPI and RPI, Examples of secondary data
Q8 = Venn diagrams and Conditional probability
Q9 = Stem and leaf diagrams, airthmetic mean, outliers (+calc), skew, evaluating different ways to represent data graphically
Q10 = Stratified sampling and Pilot studies
Q11 = All about normal distributions including comparisons and %
Q12 = All about correlation and regression including scatter plots, PMCC, averages and correlation calculations
Topics not on there but high probabiliyt (because I thought they couldn't be fitted onto the 80 marks as they were the easier stuff):
Geometric means
Skew calculations
Controlling extraneous variables
Standardized rates of change
Cleaning data
Can you please tell me the answers for Q11?
Reply 5
a) normal
b) A has lower spread/sd compared to B but they have the same mean
c) N (μ, σ^2)
d) 68%
e) 1. Symetrical


mode, median and mean roughly equal

How did you find it?
Reply 7
My predicted paper had all the topics so I thought it was brilliant only the 3 marker on comparing regressions was kind of ambiguous
it was good but the bones question I started yapping
Reply 9
Original post by
it was good but the bones question I started yapping

omg wtf was that question
Reply 10
So like what did we get in the spearman’s
Reply 11
Original post by NATEBOT
So like what did we get in the spearman’s

neg 0.68 something like that
Reply 12
Original post by za3ma
neg 0.68 something like that

Yeah me to people were saying you can get somthing else because it depends how you rank them but idk
Reply 13
Original post by NATEBOT
Yeah me to people were saying you can get somthing else because it depends how you rank them but idk

only answer is -0.68 or whatever the decimal was
Reply 14
Predicted boundary for a 9?
Original post by NATEBOT
So like what did we get in the spearman’s

-0.68 smthg
Reply 16
Original post by jakobb11
Predicted boundary for a 9?

Still around 120 no more then 125
Reply 17
does anyone know what the answer for what bone they should use was
what did everyone get for the risk question
Original post by bar2347358
what did everyone get for the risk question


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