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french speaking exam 2024

hey guys, I have my French speaking next Wednesday but I currently have a sore through where it hurts to even speak (perfect timing I know) but I was just wondering if there would be a gap between each section like rolplay and photocard where the recording is paused just so I can drink water so I don't start vigoursly coughing in between lmao.
so you think they would let me take a water bottle in with me? if not do you think its possible I could ask my teacher to move me to like 2 days later?
this is all if my sore through doesn't go away by Wednesday which I'm hoping it does!
umm... you might want to ask your teacher about it beforehand, and maybe ask them to keep the recording device nearer to you so that you don't have to talk too loudly...
Reply 2
Original post by doughnutsareslay
hey guys, I have my French speaking next Wednesday but I currently have a sore through where it hurts to even speak (perfect timing I know) but I was just wondering if there would be a gap between each section like rolplay and photocard where the recording is paused just so I can drink water so I don't start vigoursly coughing in between lmao.
so you think they would let me take a water bottle in with me? if not do you think its possible I could ask my teacher to move me to like 2 days later?
this is all if my sore through doesn't go away by Wednesday which I'm hoping it does!

Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon. There is a gap between the sections however unfortunately the recording is not paused. You will be permitted a clear water bottle during your exam - it might be worth saying 'est-ce que je peux boire s'il vous plait' before having a drink though just as a formality and so any examiners are aware of the pause during marking, they will completely understand. Good luck with your exam!
Original post by jennifercalvin18
umm... you might want to ask your teacher about it beforehand, and maybe ask them to keep the recording device nearer to you so that you don't have to talk too loudly...

yeah maybe lol, its getting slightly better I just hope its gone in the next 2 days lmao
Original post by Kerahil
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon. There is a gap between the sections however unfortunately the recording is not paused. You will be permitted a clear water bottle during your exam - it might be worth saying 'est-ce que je peux boire s'il vous plait' before having a drink though just as a formality and so any examiners are aware of the pause during marking, they will completely understand. Good luck with your exam!

yeah makes sense!! thanks so much!

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