My O-level math grade was pathetic, though I had an A in English. Would this affect my university acceptance? Plus, I will be doing law.*
Given that universities don't state their Maths requirement in terms of words like "pathetic", "reasonable", "fantastic", etc. but use grades it's impossible to say.
Have you checked the Law entry requirements for any target universities?
Given that universities don't state their Maths requirement in terms of words like "pathetic", "reasonable", "fantastic", etc. but use grades it's impossible to say. Have you checked the Law entry requirements for any target universities?
mann... yeh and most of them requires c grade at math at least.
...most of them requires c grade at math at least.
Why post a question which (a) you know the answer to, and (b) you're going to answer yourself anyway? But at least we know know that "pathetic" means grade D or below.
Plenty of universities don't need a grade C Maths for their Law course. For example:
• University of Bristol - LLB Law - "GCSE profile requirements: No specific subjects required." (source). • University of Warwick - LLB Law - "You will also need grade 4/C in GCSE Mathematics or Science and B/6 in GCSE English Language or equivalent" (source). • University of Leeds - LLB Law - "We expect applicants to have a substantial number of GCSE passes at a high standard." (source).