The Student Room Group

NHS breaks mixed-sex ward rules with patients at risk of SA and humiliation

Had to shorten the original title and there’s more on the story here:
SA meaning sexual assault (I couldn’t type the full word without going over the character limit).
Reply 2
I've been on a mixed sex ward when I had a stroke and thought it was ok. Didn't find anything odd about there being women on the ward and certainly was not at risk of raping anyone. Don't see what this palaver is about.
Please conside the position of a woman who has been traumatised by male violence. It does not matter that you are not an aggressor. The woman has a right to healthcare without being retraumatised by the presence of male patients. Similarly, women have the right to be attended by female clinical staff.
Here's a sensible policy, prioritising biological sex. Now that Keir Starmer has rediscovered what a woman is, this policy should survive the change of government.

The war on women has failed, at least in the UK. The war continues in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Ireland, and parts of the US (where women's rights are attacked by both left and right).
Reply 5
Clap for the NHS. Clap until your hands bleed.

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