The Student Room Group

halal part time jobs :(

i hope i dont attract any racists and all but why is it so hard to
1) find a part time job
2) find a halal part time job

i cold swear employers just list up fake advertisements just to make themselves look employer-friendly cuz theres no way i got rejected from lego. LEGO. i could easily upsell toddlers.

at this point i dont care about the wage or the working conditions, as long as theres a job and money
Reply 1
Original post by talha12345678910
i hope i dont attract any racists and all but why is it so hard to
1) find a part time job
2) find a halal part time job
i cold swear employers just list up fake advertisements just to make themselves look employer-friendly cuz theres no way i got rejected from lego. LEGO. i could easily upsell toddlers.
at this point i dont care about the wage or the working conditions, as long as theres a job and money

SAMEEEEE!!! i've been applying to jobs for months now, most of them either ignore my application or reject me. my local lidl had the audactiy to reject my application. babe you need workers the self checkout is always a mess
Original post by talha12345678910
i hope i dont attract any racists and all but why is it so hard to
1) find a part time job
2) find a halal part time job
i cold swear employers just list up fake advertisements just to make themselves look employer-friendly cuz theres no way i got rejected from lego. LEGO. i could easily upsell toddlers.
at this point i dont care about the wage or the working conditions, as long as theres a job and money

Keep applying for jobs. Took me over a year. Build up your CV, done
Original post by m4riammmm
SAMEEEEE!!! i've been applying to jobs for months now, most of them either ignore my application or reject me. my local lidl had the audactiy to reject my application. babe you need workers the self checkout is always a mess

rejection form lidl only means one thing. vandalise lidl bakery

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