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Analyze the quote "you kill them damm you damm you
I would assume its "you killed them both. damn you, damn you"
Here are some ideas to get you started

damn you, damn you - the repetition of the phrase could suggest a feeling of perpetually perhaps emphasising his insatiable rage and anger towards his Mother for killing Eva Smith, furthermore it could have connotations of hell and bestiality where his rage causes him to therefore be unable to formulate a coherent and fluent sentences...

you killed them - Eric's childishness, he is unable to contemplate his part in Eva Smiths death, especially as he left her without any money or means of surviving. The simple sentence suggest an impression of raw emotion, as the only way he can cope is to pass on the blame just like how his parents do to...

Its not the greatest but it gets you started, I would recommend you to look online on YouTube for analysis of key quotations :smile:

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