The Student Room Group

Will i get into chemical engineering

Got all 9s in my GSCES & 1 8 in French (embarrassing ik right)
Predicted 4 A* + A in EPQ
I do extra curricular such as sports, run my own computer club, and i also game for a living
I guess it depends where you want to go because the likes of Oxbridge will want you to do an exam and an interview but it looks amazing right now.
Original post by sub88n
Got all 9s in my GSCES & 1 8 in French (embarrassing ik right)
Predicted 4 A* + A in EPQ
I do extra curricular such as sports, run my own computer club, and i also game for a living

Those are the literal perfect grades. I don't see how you wouldn't get into oxbridge if you do your applications well, but the extracurricular activities are important for competitive placements

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