The Student Room Group

resitting year 12?

as year 12 comes to an end and mock results are being released, ive realised that mocks were indeed a cruical part of year 12 as they are what unis look at when applying. i can hardly apply to medicine with Cs (maybe Ds not sure yet) and do not meet the requirements for a foundation year.
i highly doubt the teachers here will raise my grade from a D/C to and A which i know i can achieve if i try hard enough.
i asked about resitting year 12 and my teacher said that its not possible to resit it unless there si a very good reason which in my case there is not- i just couldnt revise over the Easter break due to Eid. does anyone know if there is a way to resit year 12 without a genuine reason? what else can i do to convince my teacher to move my predicted grade to an A?
Reply 1
Repeating Year 12 is totally up to your school - talk to your Head of Sixth Form asap.
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Repeating Year 12 is totally up to your school - talk to your Head of Sixth Form asap.

i talked to my head of year and careers pathway teachers they both said that you need serious out of school circumstances to be able to resit year 12 and since i dont they said i cant resit it. not sure if that is tru?
Reply 3
Original post by StormyInk202
as year 12 comes to an end and mock results are being released, ive realised that mocks were indeed a cruical part of year 12 as they are what unis look at when applying. i can hardly apply to medicine with Cs (maybe Ds not sure yet) and do not meet the requirements for a foundation year.
i highly doubt the teachers here will raise my grade from a D/C to and A which i know i can achieve if i try hard enough.
i asked about resitting year 12 and my teacher said that its not possible to resit it unless there si a very good reason which in my case there is not- i just couldnt revise over the Easter break due to Eid. does anyone know if there is a way to resit year 12 without a genuine reason? what else can i do to convince my teacher to move my predicted grade to an A?

my school only allows u to repeat yr12 if u fail two subjects, im failing chem rlly horribly no matter how hard i study, i have mocks in 2 weeks and i also failed bio, so i might have to resit lol, i wanna do midwifery at kings so bad but i dont think they like ppl who stayed in sixthform for 3 years.
Reply 4
Original post by StormyInk202
as year 12 comes to an end and mock results are being released, ive realised that mocks were indeed a cruical part of year 12 as they are what unis look at when applying. i can hardly apply to medicine with Cs (maybe Ds not sure yet) and do not meet the requirements for a foundation year.
i highly doubt the teachers here will raise my grade from a D/C to and A which i know i can achieve if i try hard enough.
i asked about resitting year 12 and my teacher said that its not possible to resit it unless there si a very good reason which in my case there is not- i just couldnt revise over the Easter break due to Eid. does anyone know if there is a way to resit year 12 without a genuine reason? what else can i do to convince my teacher to move my predicted grade to an A?

Hi I can help please dm me
Reply 5
My sixth form offered me the chance to resit yr 12 with new courses because my Dad had just died.

However, I said no and I applied to a new college entirely to redo yr 12 because I needed the change of scene. I got in without having to explain my reasons, but I needed to take different courses because the government can only fund each course for one person once, not twice. Restarting yr 12 on the same course would be like taking that course twice.

So as far as experience goes, you can resit the entirety of yr 12 by either having particular circumstances in your existing college with new courses, or you apply to another college and apply for new courses.

BUT IMPORTANT (yes lots of caps) you cannot redo the same courses, even if its different exam boards. You have free education to an extent.
(edited 8 months ago)

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