The Student Room Group

Summer school ideas

Hiii. So this may be a bit late to ask, but I will anyway. I come from a state school background and can’t afford many of these summer school courses you have to pay for. I got rejected from both UNIQ Oxford and Sutton trust (but made it onto STO).
I have one summer school to hear back from but I’m not feeling too great about that.
My grades are high so that’s not the issue.
I’m hoping to study psychology at one of the top unis after 6th form.
I was wondering if anyone knew of any good summer schools where applications are still open? Any recommendations would be much appreciated!!!
Also does not having attended a summer school put your application for uni at a disadvantage?
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Lugg13
Hiii. So this may be a bit late to ask, but I will anyway. I come from a state school background and can’t afford many of these summer school courses you have to pay for. I got rejected from both UNIQ Oxford and Sutton trust (but made it onto STO).
I have one summer school to here back from but I’m not feeling too great about that.
My grades are high so that’s not the issue.
I’m hoping to study psychology at one of the top unis after 6th form.
I was wondering if anyone knew of any good summer schools where applications are still open? Any recommendations would be much appreciated!!!
Also does not having attended a summer school put your application for uni at a disadvantage?

Just out of curiosity, did you apply for Imperial College London Year 12 Work Experience? (The applications are closed now btw)
Reply 2
Original post by xnqvelliw
Just out of curiosity, did you apply for Imperial College London Year 12 Work Experience? (The applications are closed now btw)

No I didn’t, but I already have work experience sorted.
Did you?
Reply 3
Original post by Lugg13
No I didn’t, but I already have work experience sorted.
Did you?

Yes, I did. Got accepted. (btw I'm also a UNIQ reject lol)

I don't think absence of summer schools will influence your application that much, because you can still do other super-curricular activities to demonstrate your enthusiasm (online courses, books, projects, etc.)
Reply 4
Original post by xnqvelliw
Yes, I did. Got accepted. (btw I'm also a UNIQ reject lol)
I don't think absence of summer schools will influence your application that much, because you can still do other super-curricular activities to demonstrate your enthusiasm (online courses, books, projects, etc.)

Okie thanks! I hope you enjoy the work experience and congrats!

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