This girl used to like me and I liked her too and I know she liked me because she gave me all the signs but that last die I saw her I told her as a joke that I would not date her so she called me like a month after we last saw eachother in person but after that she stopped calling me and texting me so four months later I just decided to tell her if she used to like me but she didn't respond so i decide to stop watching her stories and then she stopped watching mine just know she always watched my stories exce0t for that time when i didnt watch her stpry and then i watched her story agin to see if she would view mine and she did which means she checked if I viewed her story and but about a month an a half goes by and she text me first and I respond back and then she didn't reply and then I text her and she didn't respond so know I don't know what to do and I know this is bad but I stalked her tik tok and she's reposting stuff about a guy and it's not about me so I don't know what to do does she still like me or what I don't know what to do
The first thing you can do is use punctuation and make your post readable!
Second, this is a girl with whom you have a vague connection. Nothing happened between you and you haven't even stayed friends. Stop following her and move on from it all; she's not interested and neither are you if you get to the point of playing silly mind games with social media.