The Student Room Group

Turn it in percentage :/

Hi guys. I hope everyone is well so I recently did an assignment and got a 35% on turn it in. I feel like I let my teacher down since she had high expectations of me. For reference if I used someone else’s words I made sure to add in text citations and references. I feel so embarrassed to go back to uni since I feel as though I’ll get a bad grade. She said to paraphrase more but I just didn’t know how much more I could do. How do I face them. Also is this a bad percentage. It also flagged my references. Someone help plz.
Original post by Sparklemist
Hi guys. I hope everyone is well so I recently did an assignment and got a 35% on turn it in. I feel like I let my teacher down since she had high expectations of me. For reference if I used someone else’s words I made sure to add in text citations and references. I feel so embarrassed to go back to uni since I feel as though I’ll get a bad grade. She said to paraphrase more but I just didn’t know how much more I could do. How do I face them. Also is this a bad percentage. It also flagged my references. Someone help plz.

Hi @Sparklemist

I don't think 35% is a bad score! From my experience that seems like a good score as long as everything that was highlighted was referenced correctly then this should be fine. And yes your reference list will also be highlighted which is normal. Potentially it's a case of using less references or shorter references and giving more of your own analysis so that your essay has more of a flow rather than quote after quote. Every essay you will learn ways in which you can improve, so the best thing to do is take on board the advice and keep getting feedback where you can.

Good luck! I hope this helps :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
Reply 2
Original post by Kingston Reps
Hi @Sparklemist
I don't think 35% is a bad score! From my experience that seems like a good score as long as everything that was highlighted was referenced correctly then this should be fine. And yes your reference list will also be highlighted which is normal. Potentially it's a case of using less references or shorter references and giving more of your own analysis so that your essay has more of a flow rather than quote after quote. Every essay you will learn ways in which you can improve, so the best thing to do is take on board the advice and keep getting feedback where you can.
Good luck! I hope this helps :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)

Hey thanks it’s just she replied back to me saying that I used to many direct quotes and that I needed to paraphrase more which I did but my turn it in score is 35% I feel like I really let my self down since I’ve never done so bad in an assignment also someone I know kept bragging that her score was only 14% and that my work is rubbish 😕
Original post by Sparklemist
Hey thanks it’s just she replied back to me saying that I used to many direct quotes and that I needed to paraphrase more which I did but my turn it in score is 35% I feel like I really let my self down since I’ve never done so bad in an assignment also someone I know kept bragging that her score was only 14% and that my work is rubbish 😕

Hi @Sparklemist

Sorry to hear this! It can be so frustrating, but try not to let this hold you back and instead learn from it and take the advice forward into your next essay.

Good luck in your next essay :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)
Reply 4
Original post by Kingston Reps
Hi @Sparklemist
Sorry to hear this! It can be so frustrating, but try not to let this hold you back and instead learn from it and take the advice forward into your next essay.
Good luck in your next essay :smile:
-Grace (Kingston Rep)

Do you think the score as in percentage is reaally bad since there were one or two points I didn’t paraphrase but cited. Do you think it’s because of this that she said this. Also do you think my grade would be bad? Sorry I know too many questions I’m just so upset didn’t know who to speak to about this.
Reply 5
Original post by Sparklemist
Do you think the score as in percentage is reaally bad since there were one or two points I didn’t paraphrase but cited. Do you think it’s because of this that she said this. Also do you think my grade would be bad? Sorry I know too many questions I’m just so upset didn’t know who to speak to about this.

Also is it bad that she messaged me saying I need to paraphrase more as in do you think she hates me or thinks I’m stupid as in in academic?

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