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How to effectively revise A Level (OCR) Computer Science

My A Levels are getting closer and I have been putting a lot of time into maths and further maths but have found that I am not doing so well in computer science, I struggle with getting high marks in past papers and don't know if it's too late to go through each topic individually, i'll be grateful for any tips or what you have found works.
Reply 1
Original post by ebob1
My A Levels are getting closer and I have been putting a lot of time into maths and further maths but have found that I am not doing so well in computer science, I struggle with getting high marks in past papers and don't know if it's too late to go through each topic individually, i'll be grateful for any tips or what you have found works.

It's been a couple years since I did my A Levels so take this with a grain of salt, but I found physics and maths tutor's course quite helpful when studying for mine. They have documents that break down topics by paper which I found quite useful. I've attached the link here. My advice for doing STEM subjects would pretty much always be past papers for revision, and just doing the question, checking if you got it right or not and if you got it wrong or got stuck, go over the mark scheme and revise the topic, and then move on. Repeat that with all the past papers you have available, and then go from the top and do it again. Hope this helps!
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by tw559
It's been a couple years since I did my A Levels so take this with a grain of salt, but I found physics and maths tutor's course quite helpful when studying for mine. They have documents that break down topics by paper which I found quite useful. I've attached the link here. My advice for doing STEM subjects would pretty much always be past papers for revision, and just doing the question, checking if you got it right or not and if you got it wrong or got stuck, go over the mark scheme and revise the topic, and then move on. Repeat that with all the past papers you have available, and then go from the top and do it again. Hope this helps!

I'll try this out as I do find specific topics are significantly weaker than others mostly due to quite a few teacher changes but just getting through it all will be good, thank you! :biggrin:

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