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Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 (1CP2 01) - 15th May 2024 [Exam Chat]


How did your Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 (1CP2 01) exam go today?

Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 (1CP2 01) - 15th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself!Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: 15th May 2024/PM
Length: 1h 30m
(edited 9 months ago)

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Reply 1
Hi @Pwca , could this please be added to the exam discussion thread? Thank you!
Original post by EnigmaChess
Hi @Pwca , could this please be added to the exam discussion thread? Thank you!

Done :smile:
any tips for computers or networks topics 😥
Reply 4
Original post by weaselbjorn
any tips for computers or networks topics 😥

I watched the CraigNDave video for each spec point of computers and networks, then at the end of each video blurted all of the information I could remember. This is a good way to review specific terminology which is very common in these topics. Practice questions are also great.
Original post by enigmachess
i watched the craigndave video for each spec point of computers and networks, then at the end of each video blurted all of the information i could remember. This is a good way to review specific terminology which is very common in these topics. Practice questions are also great.

thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Anyone have any predictions? Every vid I come across is OCR 😭
Reply 7
Original post by ladyofthegeeks
Anyone have any predictions? Every vid I come across is OCR 😭

Not too sure, other than the fact that a flow-chart is very likely to come up (it comes up every year). Also, I think that the six marker might be on networks, since the last two years have been decomposition and abstraction, and ethics around AI, and there was one surrounding computers on the sample paper.
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 8
Gd luck guys
Reply 9
Original post by Chiwen123
Gd luck guys

Good luck.
Reply 10
The test was good at first, easy questions but annoying topics, most people either say really good or okay at best
Reply 11
Ye it was rrly good
Reply 12
Original post by EnigmaChess
Edexcel GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 (1CP2 01) - 15th May 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself!Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck.
General Information
Date/Time: 15th May 2024/PM
Length: 1h 30m

How was it?
guys please say all the questions that u remember
Reply 14
What did everyone put for the "How does the link layer work?" question
Reply 15
The flow chart question at the end was reaaaally unpleasant imo
Original post by EnigmaChess
What did everyone put for the "How does the link layer work?" question

it controls hardware in order to send data across to recipient
Original post by tfw27
The test was good at first, easy questions but annoying topics, most people either say really good or okay at best

the compilers question and the flowchart were annoying
it was alright, but I messed up the math questions 😓😓
Original post by staristrying
it was alright, but I messed up the math questions 😓😓

for the 4 marker?

i put:

1.4*1024 divided by 13*60

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