The Student Room Group

Worried about Medical school reapplication with a bad EPQ grade?

Hi there,

My internally assessed mark for the EPQ project is not looking great, 30/50 , and I have a few questions, am I able to withdraw from the EPQ project now? Also, if I ended up keeping the project, am I able to not put it on UCAS, cause I am taking a gap year to reapply to medicine and I don't want this bad EPQ grade to affect my chances of getting into a medical school...

Thanks in advance...
Original post by srmaster
Hi there,
My internally assessed mark for the EPQ project is not looking great, 30/50 , and I have a few questions, am I able to withdraw from the EPQ project now? Also, if I ended up keeping the project, am I able to not put it on UCAS, cause I am taking a gap year to reapply to medicine and I don't want this bad EPQ grade to affect my chances of getting into a medical school...
Thanks in advance...

There’s no point withdrawing now, you’ve already put a lot of time and effort into getting it. Some medical schools will consider the EPQ grade, have a look at their websites to see what sort of leeway they offer. Alternatively you could apply to med schools that don’t consider EPQ?
Original post by srmaster
Hi there,
My internally assessed mark for the EPQ project is not looking great, 30/50 , and I have a few questions, am I able to withdraw from the EPQ project now? Also, if I ended up keeping the project, am I able to not put it on UCAS, cause I am taking a gap year to reapply to medicine and I don't want this bad EPQ grade to affect my chances of getting into a medical school...
Thanks in advance...

Hey, most med schools don't even consider the EPQ an actual A level. As long as you get 3 A's (the very least) in the real thing for your 3 main subjects you will be good. 30/50 is a B (I believe) which ain't that bad you know? The EPQ is actually worth mentioning in your personal statement. As a current med student, I mentioned it countless times in my interviews and honestly they value the skills you have gained from it = more than the grade.
EPQ is not weighted by most medical school. If your EPQ is based around medical or stem, they may likely to ask you more info during interview but EPQ certainly does not holds weight by medical school. This is from my own research on the medical schools I am planning to apply to.
Are you sure you’re academically strong enough for medicine? How come you’re reapplying?
Reply 5
Original post by shimul
Are you sure you’re academically strong enough for medicine? How come you’re reapplying?

Hi there, I am predicted with A*A*A but flunked my UCAT last year so have to reapply.
Original post by srmaster
Hi there, I am predicted with A*A*A but flunked my UCAT last year so have to reapply.

Which subjects did you get for A?

Mind if I asked which uni you are planning to apply to?
Reply 7
Original post by Jonjon7
Which subjects did you get for A?
Mind if I asked which uni you are planning to apply to?

A for Biology and not sure what Uni though, probably Russell Group. I see that you are applying this year as well, do you mind to tell your choices?
Original post by srmaster
A for Biology and not sure what Uni though, probably Russell Group. I see that you are applying this year as well, do you mind to tell your choices?

I got predicted A*A*A*A* for chem, bio, phys and math.

Depends on my UCAT I'm considering which Oxbridge, UCL/Imperial, Edinburgh and Bristol

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