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AQA A-level English Literature & Language Paper 1 (7707/1) - 24 May 2024 [Exam Chat]

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AQA A-level English Literature and Language Paper 1 (7707/1) - 24th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

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General Information
Date/Time: 24 May 2024/ AM
Length: 3h
(edited 9 months ago)

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Hey, i’m doing Paris, Handmaids, Duffy, Gastby and Streetcar, does anyone have any predictions for the Paris anthology question, I have looked through the past papers looking for topics that might not have come up get to combine two texts but I can’t think of any. Any ideas?
Reply 2
Hi i'm also doing Paris, handmaids, Duffy and Streetcar!
tbh for Paris they do tend to use similar or the same texts just different sections
Original post by Amslems
Hi i'm also doing Paris, handmaids, Duffy and Streetcar!
tbh for Paris they do tend to use similar or the same texts just different sections

By this do you mean the same as previous years? Im doing, Paris, Dracula, Duffy, Streetcar and Gatsby!
Hi, I'm doing Paris, Duffy and The Lovely Bones for Paper 1. How do people even revise? I feel like it's too late to build up any amazing skills or writing so I think I'll just write how I normally write and revise context for TLB, general plot/characters/themes, general Duffy and general Paris as well as some model answers.
Hi i'm also doing Paris, handmaids, Duffy. Handmaids I do lots of mindmaps and plans for essays and write the ones I believe are more likely to come up. Paris I have answered a couple of exam questions and annotated and revise through flashcards and then Duffy I rewrite my annotations, watch videos, do charts mainly
For paper 1 , I’m doing Othello, Gatsby & pre-1900 poetry and unseen poetry. Does anyone have any Othello predictions please? I feel like Emilia/ Emilia and Desdemona could come up for love in female relationships/female friendships. But I also think Cassio/Bianca/Brabantio could come up?!
Reply 7
Original post by imissapplemusic
For paper 1 , I’m doing Othello, Gatsby & pre-1900 poetry and unseen poetry. Does anyone have any Othello predictions please? I feel like Emilia/ Emilia and Desdemona could come up for love in female relationships/female friendships. But I also think Cassio/Bianca/Brabantio could come up?!

Im doing the same, my class are thinking jealousy for othello as well as perhaps something on womenhood. i really hope cassio or the others dont come up 😭
Any predictions on what discourse events they'll pick for Paris?
Reply 9
any predictions for handmaids?
How is everyone revising for Paris, Handmaids and poetry
Any predictions ? handsmaids paris and duffy
Reply 12
Original post by Kayamarie1
Any predictions ? handsmaids paris and duffy
We haven’t seen a Serena joy question or offed and commander yet ?
Reply 13
I lit have no idea for Paris and Duffy 😬
Reply 14
anyone got any predictions for Paris?
Original post by Amslems
anyone got any predictions for Paris?

Prehaps stories are waiting as one of them, i dont believe that theyve done that one yet.
Does anyone how where I can find practice questions for Duffy and Paris which have not come up before?
Original post by Amslems
anyone got any predictions for Paris?

I don’t have any predictions but would love one of the blogs or travel guides to come up
letters from France has come up? in 2017 right
Reply 19
Original post by tamsintownson
letters from France has come up? in 2017 right
Yes it was the 2017 paper. For Paris, do you think it will 100% be between two that haven't come up yet? I don't think I have time to go through them all..