I am currently a Y9 student and will be Year 11 next year and am currently worried about how I can progress further. I have immigrant parents so they weren't able to teach me about how the UK school system works and the school I go to doesn't explain it properly. I know what I'm doing for GSCES( History , Computer Science, Religious Studies and Mandarin) as some of these will help me progress into doing law. I was put it in the EBACC pathway and my school makes it that if you get EBACC you have to do the language you've been studying since Year 7 and I've been doing Mandarin since Y7 because my school gave me no choice because I'm Brazilian so they said I couldn't do Spanish.
I saw that History , English Lit and Government & Politics are good for A - Levels but I'm just all so confused . What things can I do to help , especially for 6th form and Universities. I'm a top set student and many of my teachers regard me as very smart and say I will do well incase that helps me.