The Student Room Group

Summer School starting June 24th 2024

Been accepted for mathematics for machine learning (session 1) and Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applications (session 2). Both my second choices are Data Driven Web-Based Applications.

Just thought other students would like a thread before they go, since I imagine people are coming from everywhere. I’m a Uk national who’s already finished their Bachelors in Philosophy.
Reply 1
Shifting your Field to AI would be difficult for you, Take smaller steps and learn from recourses like Udemy, Coursera build small applications, To make your CV shine better.
Reply 2
Original post by Moiz10
Shifting your Field to AI would be difficult for you, Take smaller steps and learn from recourses like Udemy, Coursera build small applications, To make your CV shine better.

You have no idea about my CV nor what else I’m doing nor where else I’m going.

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