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Edexcel Igcse Biology paper 2

Are the topics that were on paper 1 sure to not show up on paper 2? I can't imagine they'll have anything too similar but I wanted to make sure incase they do. So should I just revise everything anyway or mainly revise the topics that wern't in paper 1?
(edited 9 months ago)

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Reply 1
for paper 2 the biology only section would be present so study those in more detail than the other topics
Reply 2
Original post by Minnie_mouse_
Are the topics that were on paper 1 sure to not show up on paper 2? I can't imagine they'll have anything too similar but I wanted to make sure incase they do. So should I just revise everything anyway or mainly revise the topics that wern't in paper 1?

just do it all
Reply 3
YO! Biology is done ✔️. How did you guys find it?
not bad tbh i messed up the smoking 4 marker and waffled the whole 6 marker tho
Reply 5
Original post by (Alex) :0
YO! Biology is done ✔️. How did you guys find it?

Not too bad could've done better tho
does someone remember the quetions so i can try and see how many marks i lost
for the last question did you talk about eutrophiation???
Reply 7
Original post by BumpyTermite122
does someone remember the quetions so i can try and see how many marks i lost
for the last question did you talk about eutrophiation???
yep I talked about that
Reply 8
Original post by BumpyTermite122
does someone remember the quetions so i can try and see how many marks i lost
for the last question did you talk about eutrophiation???

Yess i talked about eutrophication!!!
what else? i feel like there was nothing else to say question was confusing
Reply 10
Original post by BumpyTermite122
what else? i feel like there was nothing else to say question was confusing

Apart from eutrophication there really was nothing else to say ig. The only other thing I mentioned was how the number of fish wasn’t stated, so the experiment could be less valid 😭 I really don’t know if that’s gonna give me any marks.
Reply 11
Original post by BumpyTermite122
what else? i feel like there was nothing else to say question was confusing

I wrote about the environmental impacts of powering the heating for the optimum temperature, eutrophication, disease can spread more easily as they are closer and then they are less likely to catch diseases as they are isolated, and if they were to reproduce with any wild fish genetically modified genes could be introduced into the wild population
Reply 12
Original post by amazinggradesplz
not bad tbh i messed up the smoking 4 marker and waffled the whole 6 marker tho

Yea and I thought it was rlly time pressured too
Reply 13
Original post by (Alex) :0
Apart from eutrophication there really was nothing else to say ig. The only other thing I mentioned was how the number of fish wasn’t stated, so the experiment could be less valid 😭 I really don’t know if that’s gonna give me any marks.

Ohh.. I should have talked about the number of fish! My against point was instead about there being no evidence that the GM fish reduce spread of disease
Original post by BumpyTermite122
what else? i feel like there was nothing else to say question was confusing

I feel like at least half of the marks will be for explaining eutrophication. others will be like about disease idk
Reply 15
What did you guys think of the comprehension question? 🧐
Reply 16
Original post by (Alex) :0
What did you guys think of the comprehension question? 🧐
I thought it was ok. Did anyone else talk about natural selection in 1 b)?
Did u not have to talk about nitrogen cycle as it was talking about nitrates in the water and fish food is made of proteins which isn’t nitrates?
Reply 18
Original post by si12345
I thought it was ok. Did anyone else talk about natural selection in 1 b)?

I talked about increased competition for food tbh
Reply 19
Original post by Twokslayer256
Did u not have to talk about nitrogen cycle as it was talking about nitrates in the water and fish food is made of proteins which isn’t nitrates?

If you are talking about the last question, most people talked about how the nitrates resulted in eutrophication:


increased nitrates in the water increase the growth of algae and plants


the algae form a bloom over the water surface, preventing sunlight reaching other water plants


these plants die because they are unable to carry out photosynthesis without light


microbes such as bacteria increase in number as they decompose the dead plants, using and reducing the oxygen content in the water during respiration as they do so


the low oxygen levels can cause aquatic insects and fish to suffocate, and eventually the lake may be left completely lifeless

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