The Student Room Group

Boys on snap 🤦*♀️

I have this streak with my crush on snap but when the timer thingy pops I always post a snap and he opens it really quickly and never send a snap when the timer thing shows and he’s a dry texter he hasn’t been in school for like a week and i texted saying why haven’t you been in school and he said the doctors said he should stay home and I texted I hope you feel better soon and he left me on open 🙃 tbh imma loose the streakes and not even bother liking him lol.
The poor guy is ill enough to be off school and you are just bothered about your snapchat streaks? How about being a true friend to him than obsessed with social media?
Reply 2
Original post by Surnia
The poor guy is ill enough to be off school and you are just bothered about your snapchat streaks? How about being a true friend to him than obsessed with social media?
Tbh your right idk y im obsessing over social media tbh i dont even go on social media and I never had a bf nor have a guy on snap and having a streak with them I just see people complaining about boys on their snap made me believe its normal when it’s not.

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