The Student Room Group

Uni choices through clearing (Pharmacy)

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get ABB. A for Biology, B for Chemistry (maybe even an A if I allocate my time efficiently, but I'll say B till I do my first chem paper on June 5th), and B for Economics. My predicted grades were a bit lower than my the grades I assume I'm going to get so I didn't get into any of my choices and I will go through clearing. I am wondering which Uni's (in London) I should apply for.
(edited 6 months ago)
London universities dont normally offer Pharmacy in clearing. From memory the unis in clearing last year were lower graded ones.
Reply 2
Pharmacy isnt often in Clearing as it requires an Interview and thats difficult to organise in the immediacy of Clearing.

Also, there has been a sharp rise in application numbers for Pharmacy in the last few years as the shine goes off Medicine, and Pharmacy is seen as a more interesting job following Pharmacy/NHS changes. This will result in far fewer Clearing places than there might have been 5 years ago.

Yes, its possible that some MPharm course may have Clearing places but its going to be Unis like De Montfort, Liverpool SJ and Wolverhampton, not any of the central London Unis,

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