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I have Covid and a uni exam on Monday?

So it’s 2am on Sunday morning, I have an exam tomorrow but I tested positive for Covid today. I go to the university of Greenwich but I feel like such crap I don’t think I’m well enough to do the exam, focus properly and do well. What should I do?
Reply 1
You’re actually allowed to go into public places with Covid now if you’re feeling okay you could wear a mask for precaution
Original post by Megladon99
You’re actually allowed to go into public places with Covid now if you’re feeling okay you could wear a mask for precaution
Thank you for your reply but it’s tomorrow and I’m not feeling okay at all 😭 I also don’t want to be that person sniffling and coughing during the exam because it’s distracting to others
Original post by lifestartsnow.x
So it’s 2am on Sunday morning, I have an exam tomorrow but I tested positive for Covid today. I go to the university of Greenwich but I feel like such crap I don’t think I’m well enough to do the exam, focus properly and do well. What should I do?


I'm a little late but I hope everything went okay!

What I'd do now, whether you ended up taking the test or not, is getting something signed off to say you definitely have Covid - a doctor's note or test results - and then apply for mitigating circumstances. This will just cover you if the test didn't go well. Also, getting in contact with your personal tutor and filling them in might be a good idea too.

It's such bad luck that you got covid right before your test, I hope you feel better soon!

- Jessica
2nd year, Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
Original post by lifestartsnow.x
So it’s 2am on Sunday morning, I have an exam tomorrow but I tested positive for Covid today. I go to the university of Greenwich but I feel like such crap I don’t think I’m well enough to do the exam, focus properly and do well. What should I do?


I definitely would recommend isolating, as Covid can cause irreversible damage to various bodily systems and it wouldn't be wise to pass it on. Besides, if you feel you're not well to sit the exam, then you should look into applying for an EC or not fit to sit. If you don't know what these are, get in touch with your academic advisors and/or lecturers to see what your options are for sitting the exam at a later date.

I hope this helps and that you recover soon 🙂

Third Year Psychology
University of Huddersfield
Reply 5
Original post by lifestartsnow.x
So it’s 2am on Sunday morning, I have an exam tomorrow but I tested positive for Covid today. I go to the university of Greenwich but I feel like such crap I don’t think I’m well enough to do the exam, focus properly and do well. What should I do?

Your university should have a protocol for what to do if you're unwell during exam season. You need to check what that is and follow the instructions given.

Bear in mind that (as I understand it) many universities have a "fit to sit" policy -- i.e. that by attending an exam you're implicitly indicating that you're fit to take it.

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