Hi, I have recently been having continuous headaches in which have affected my sleep cycle, due to pain. The pain has lasted for 7 days so far and is still going. I’m finding it extremely hard to revise and if I do I get little to no work done. I recently called 111 as I was in extreme amounts of pain in the night. The went to ugency care which then directed me to A&E. To find I have some sort of viral infection that’s possibly causing this, I’ve just been advised to rest and take my usual medication. But I have a presentation on two days in which is in a load well lit room (which tends to make the pain worse). To prove that I deserve my grade for a group project that’s worth a third of my grade. I’m scared if I don’t go I won’t get a good grade. Even though I put a lot of time/Effort into it, but I’m struggling to go outside due to the amount of light and pain. So I’m unsure of what to do ?