The Student Room Group

Presentation Attendance

Hi, I have recently been having continuous headaches in which have affected my sleep cycle, due to pain. The pain has lasted for 7 days so far and is still going. I’m finding it extremely hard to revise and if I do I get little to no work done. I recently called 111 as I was in extreme amounts of pain in the night. The went to ugency care which then directed me to A&E. To find I have some sort of viral infection that’s possibly causing this, I’ve just been advised to rest and take my usual medication. But I have a presentation on two days in which is in a load well lit room (which tends to make the pain worse). To prove that I deserve my grade for a group project that’s worth a third of my grade. I’m scared if I don’t go I won’t get a good grade. Even though I put a lot of time/Effort into it, but I’m struggling to go outside due to the amount of light and pain. So I’m unsure of what to do ?
Prioritise your health over this presentation. The chances of you being able to deliver a good quality presentation anyway won't be as high if you're in pain - you wouldn't want to force yourself to go in not feeling great, only to have your grade suffer because of this. I'd suggest resting up and taking your medication like you've been advised and get in contact with your teacher or whoever is organising your presentation project explaining your situation. They should hopefully be understanding of your situation and offer some sort of other option such as giving your presentation another time or something like that.
(edited 4 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by OnlySmartOneHere
Prioritise your health over this presentation. The chances of you being able to deliver a good quality presentation anyway won't be as high if you're in pain - you wouldn't want to force yourself to go in not feeling great, only to have your grade suffer because of this. I'd suggest resting up and taking your medication like you've been advised and get in contact with your teacher or whoever is organising your presentation project explaining your situation. They should hopefully be understanding of your situation and offer some sort of other option such as giving your presentation another time or something like that.
Thank you,

I have been trying to rest but as it’s exam season too it’s kinda stressful.

Also I did contact my tutor and module head, saying I had to submit an EC.

Only thing I’m worried about is the EC not being accepted.

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