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HMRC Compliance Caseworker 2024

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Original post by Lazlay
Just out of interest, had you prepared for them? I'm just wondering how they would tell if it was your natural reaction or not.

No - I can’t remember what the question was exactly but it was something on the lines of do I instantly connect with people, definitely not that exactly that but it’s something I struggle with but had to try and make it sound like I do as that’s what they were looking for but clearly didn’t 😅
Reply 61
Ah I see. Well I suppose it was good practice and at least you got feedback. Was that the first cs interview you'd done?
Reply 62
How do you know your in-tray was uploaded?
Reply 63
I just did my interview. It did not go well. I messed up more than I ever imagined.
Original post by Lazlay
I just did my interview. It did not go well. I messed up more than I ever imagined.

Oh no - why do you think you messed it up?
Original post by Lazlay
I just did my interview. It did not go well. I messed up more than I ever imagined.

You never can tell.
Reply 66
Original post by Lazlay
I just did my interview. It did not go well. I messed up more than I ever imagined.

After you uploaded your in-tray exercise was there a next button to take you to a different page ?
Original post by Jb-glory
After you uploaded your in-tray exercise was there a next button to take you to a different page ?

When I did mine, at the end it asked to upload my passport and my in tray - I can’t remember what it said exactly, but it was obvious it had been uploaded and then I just pressed continue and it said the interview and exercise had been sent to HMRC
Reply 68
I prepared 5 different behaviour examples and none of them fit the second behaviour questions. One of the strengths, my mind went completely blank and I didn't speak for about 30 seconds 🤣 ah well. I'm going to put it down as practice.
Reply 69
On your outmatch interview invite briefs, did it say they would ask three questions? It does on mine, Is it not supposed to be 2 behaviours and 3 strengths? So five questions total?
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 70
Original post by HA321312
On your outmatch interview invite briefs, did it say they would ask three questions? It does on mine, Is it not supposed to be 2 behaviours and 3 strengths? So five questions total?

Yep 5 questions
Original post by Lazlay
I prepared 5 different behaviour examples and none of them fit the second behaviour questions. One of the strengths, my mind went completely blank and I didn't speak for about 30 seconds 🤣 ah well. I'm going to put it down as practice.

Oh no - I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think.
Reply 72
Original post by Tippytoes17
When I did mine, at the end it asked to upload my passport and my in tray - I can’t remember what it said exactly, but it was obvious it had been uploaded and then I just pressed continue and it said the interview and exercise had been sent to HMRC

My browser was not displaying the submit button. Switched browsers and sorted it. Thanks
Reply 73
Original post by Tippytoes17
When I did mine, at the end it asked to upload my passport and my in tray - I can’t remember what it said exactly, but it was obvious it had been uploaded and then I just pressed continue and it said the interview and exercise had been sent to HMRC

Hi did urs ask u to upload 3 things? Mines asking me to upload: “photo”?? “In tray assessment” and “pdf id”. Unsure what photo is? Can anybody help please
Original post by bella711!
Hi did urs ask u to upload 3 things? Mines asking me to upload: “photo”?? “In tray assessment” and “pdf id”. Unsure what photo is? Can anybody help please

Yeah - I just uploaded a photo of myself - I assumed that’s what it meant 😅 it seemed the obvious thing but could be completely wrong
Reply 75
Original post by bella711!
Hi did urs ask u to upload 3 things? Mines asking me to upload: “photo”?? “In tray assessment” and “pdf id”. Unsure what photo is? Can anybody help please

I just ignored the photo bit.
Reply 76
Original post by Lazlay
I prepared 5 different behaviour examples and none of them fit the second behaviour questions. One of the strengths, my mind went completely blank and I didn't speak for about 30 seconds 🤣 ah well. I'm going to put it down as practice.

You just described me 😃. This happened to me on the 1st strength question.
Reply 77
Original post by Tippytoes17
Yeah - I just uploaded a photo of myself - I assumed that’s what it meant 😅 it seemed the obvious thing but could be completely wrong

That's what I did too.
Original post by Bisiano
That's what I did too.

It’s seemed the most obvious thing to do - I’m just glad I’m not the only one 😅
Reply 79
I have not completed the interview yet, planning on doing it tonight. When it says the deadline is the 19th does that mean it needs to be done today or do I have tomorrow (the 19th) to do it too?

Any help would he apprecited.

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