The Student Room Group

Grammer school

Hi I need some understanding to clear up , I have just sat my English Literature GCSE however I think I didn't do well and Hopefully I am able to turn it around with the paper 2 , I think I might have gotten a grade 5-6-7 mostly 6 , first of all is English literature important for when I want to get accepted into a Grammer college and if so what grades are required from it ,? Additional I want to know what grades should I get in all my subjects in order to get into a top grammer school?
My subjects are - English - maths ( foundation)- science -. Spanish ( higher) - Btech- Business - history - rs- etc
Reply 1
What grammar school is it, and is it just like a separate grammar college specific for 6th form only or is it just a normal grammar secondary school? If you're aiming for high end grammar schools, then it could be very competitive as they don't usually offer places for newcomers. This is the same with the grammar school that I go to.
Reply 2
If you're sitting your GCSEs, won't you already have applied to college
Reply 3
Original post by Naser1234
If you're sitting your GCSEs, won't you already have applied to college

Some schools allow applications on results day to be made
I think you would need all 7s or above - it depends on the school. I applied for a grammar school and it required two extra tests and an interview. But after that my offer was all 7s or above and some of the other selective schools I applied to had similar or lower offers.

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