The Student Room Group

University of Sheffield

Hi, I’m in year 12 and have recently been browsing universities as I have to start applying fairly soon, and Sheffield seems like a really solid choice. I would really appreciate it if any current or former students could share their experiences, not just of the university itself but also living in the city etc
Original post by E7han
Hi, I’m in year 12 and have recently been browsing universities as I have to start applying fairly soon, and Sheffield seems like a really solid choice. I would really appreciate it if any current or former students could share their experiences, not just of the university itself but also living in the city etc

Well done for getting organised and having a look at Unis now! Any particular reasons why you thought Sheffield is somewhere you would like to go? And what are you planning on studying?
I am a current med student at the The University of Sheffield. I picked Sheffield because it felt like a very vibrant and outdoorsy city. And after living here for nearly six years now, it definitely lives up to that. There's a busy city centre, but then all the areas around it feel like individual towns and villages with their own quirks. It is a homely city, so you really do get to know the people who live around your area. The city has lots of vintage shops, independent cafes, clubs, and food places. I think the main perk of Sheffield is the proximity to the Peak district. You can walk out there from first year accommodation, and there are buses and train routes to get out there too. Sheffield is a big climbing city - something I'd not tried before I went to University but have now got very into!
Sheffield has a diverse population, and the different parts of the city are unique and have their own things to offer. It feels very safe for a big city, there are very few incidences of crime compared to a lot of other major cities, and I have always felt safe walking home after a night out.
The University is also great, the students union is huge and there are over 300 societies to join, so there's something for everyone. It is located within the city, but also feels a bit like a campus university, because all the buildings are close together and you can walk around the university area because it is mostly pedestrianised.
I hope that has given you a bit of an insight into the city! Hopefully others will share their experiences too.
Evie (4th year medic at UoS)
Reply 2
Original post by University of Sheffield Students
Well done for getting organised and having a look at Unis now! Any particular reasons why you thought Sheffield is somewhere you would like to go? And what are you planning on studying?
I am a current med student at the The University of Sheffield. I picked Sheffield because it felt like a very vibrant and outdoorsy city. And after living here for nearly six years now, it definitely lives up to that. There's a busy city centre, but then all the areas around it feel like individual towns and villages with their own quirks. It is a homely city, so you really do get to know the people who live around your area. The city has lots of vintage shops, independent cafes, clubs, and food places. I think the main perk of Sheffield is the proximity to the Peak district. You can walk out there from first year accommodation, and there are buses and train routes to get out there too. Sheffield is a big climbing city - something I'd not tried before I went to University but have now got very into!
Sheffield has a diverse population, and the different parts of the city are unique and have their own things to offer. It feels very safe for a big city, there are very few incidences of crime compared to a lot of other major cities, and I have always felt safe walking home after a night out.
The University is also great, the students union is huge and there are over 300 societies to join, so there's something for everyone. It is located within the city, but also feels a bit like a campus university, because all the buildings are close together and you can walk around the university area because it is mostly pedestrianised.
I hope that has given you a bit of an insight into the city! Hopefully others will share their experiences too.
Evie (4th year medic at UoS)

Would potentially like to go to Sheffield as I really like the look of the geography bay course, and the study abroad programme appears good. As it stands I think Sheffield is probably my 3rd choice uni, and your description of the city itself matches what others have said. Thank you for taking the time to reply and I’ll take that information into account when choosing which university location I’d be happiest to live in

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