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positive and negative aspects of your school
a school trip you have been on recently
your plans for the future.
your town
positive and negative aspects of your house
a recent visit you made to town
where you would like to live in the future.
your opinion about healthy living
a memorable meal.
the importance of hobbies
a recent fun activity.
your opinion about watching films
a recent trip to the cinema
an actor/actress you like
your plans for next weekend.
a typical day at work
how you spent last weekend
who influences you the most
your ambitions for the future.
what you think about your local area
how to improve your local area in the future.
what you have done in your part-time job
advantages and disadvantages of your ideal career.
what lunch at your school is like your wieve prock of eating out.
who you would most like to have a meal with in the future.
why you want to go to China
a place in China you like
your past experience of eating Chinese food
what you will do in China.
how you usually travel to school
which subjects) you like/dislike
what you did last week at school
something you will do next year.
the importance of celebrating festivals
a memorable event you have experienced recently.
why it is important to keep fit
how you plan to stay healthy in the future.
why learning is important for young people
suggestions for future improvements to your school.
how often you shop
your views about your local shopping centre
what you bought last week
your plan for your next shopping trip.
your views about your local park
your favourite weather for going to the park
how you travelled there last time
who you would like to go with next time.
what after-school activity you do at the moment
your views about the teacher who runs it
what you did last week in the session
what subjects you plan to study next year.
your views about music
a music event you have been to.
your views about holidays
what your dream holiday would be.
your views about the school library
a recent special event which took place in the school library.
education with your Chinese friend (your school)
a blog on your Chinese exchange school (writing about your town/ local area)
Healthy living/ lifestyle
Opinion on watching films
Your work life
Your Hometown
Your part-time job
Celebrating festivals
Healthy living
Importance of school/ improvements
A park
Your school/ what you want to do
Your favourite type of music/ music
School library
Views on holidays
School/ opinions on school
Environmental issues
Part time job
positive and negative aspects of your school
a school trip you have been on recently
your plans for the future.
your town
positive and negative aspects of your house
a recent visit you made to town
where you would like to live in the future.
your opinion about healthy living
a memorable meal.
the importance of hobbies
a recent fun activity.
your opinion about watching films
a recent trip to the cinema
an actor/actress you like
your plans for next weekend.
a typical day at work
how you spent last weekend
who influences you the most
your ambitions for the future.
what you think about your local area
how to improve your local area in the future.
what you have done in your part-time job
advantages and disadvantages of your ideal career.
what lunch at your school is like your wieve prock of eating out.
who you would most like to have a meal with in the future.
why you want to go to China
a place in China you like
your past experience of eating Chinese food
what you will do in China.
how you usually travel to school
which subjects) you like/dislike
what you did last week at school
something you will do next year.
the importance of celebrating festivals
a memorable event you have experienced recently.
why it is important to keep fit
how you plan to stay healthy in the future.
why learning is important for young people
suggestions for future improvements to your school.
how often you shop
your views about your local shopping centre
what you bought last week
your plan for your next shopping trip.
your views about your local park
your favourite weather for going to the park
how you travelled there last time
who you would like to go with next time.
what after-school activity you do at the moment
your views about the teacher who runs it
what you did last week in the session
what subjects you plan to study next year.
your views about music
a music event you have been to.
your views about holidays
what your dream holiday would be.
your views about the school library
a recent special event which took place in the school library.
education with your Chinese friend (your school)
a blog on your Chinese exchange school (writing about your town/ local area)
Healthy living/ lifestyle
Opinion on watching films
Your work life
Your Hometown
Your part-time job
Celebrating festivals
Healthy living
Importance of school/ improvements
A park
Your school/ what you want to do
Your favourite type of music/ music
School library
Views on holidays
School/ opinions on school
Environmental issues
Part time job
positive and negative aspects of your school
a school trip you have been on recently
your plans for the future.
your town
positive and negative aspects of your house
a recent visit you made to town
where you would like to live in the future.
your opinion about healthy living
a memorable meal.
the importance of hobbies
a recent fun activity.
your opinion about watching films
a recent trip to the cinema
an actor/actress you like
your plans for next weekend.
a typical day at work
how you spent last weekend
who influences you the most
your ambitions for the future.
what you think about your local area
how to improve your local area in the future.
what you have done in your part-time job
advantages and disadvantages of your ideal career.
what lunch at your school is like your wieve prock of eating out.
who you would most like to have a meal with in the future.
why you want to go to China
a place in China you like
your past experience of eating Chinese food
what you will do in China.
how you usually travel to school
which subjects) you like/dislike
what you did last week at school
something you will do next year.
the importance of celebrating festivals
a memorable event you have experienced recently.
why it is important to keep fit
how you plan to stay healthy in the future.
why learning is important for young people
suggestions for future improvements to your school.
how often you shop
your views about your local shopping centre
what you bought last week
your plan for your next shopping trip.
your views about your local park
your favourite weather for going to the park
how you travelled there last time
who you would like to go with next time.
what after-school activity you do at the moment
your views about the teacher who runs it
what you did last week in the session
what subjects you plan to study next year.
your views about music
a music event you have been to.
your views about holidays
what your dream holiday would be.
your views about the school library
a recent special event which took place in the school library.
education with your Chinese friend (your school)
a blog on your Chinese exchange school (writing about your town/ local area)
Healthy living/ lifestyle
Opinion on watching films
Your work life
Your Hometown
Your part-time job
Celebrating festivals
Healthy living
Importance of school/ improvements
A park
Your school/ what you want to do
Your favourite type of music/ music
School library
Views on holidays
School/ opinions on school
Environmental issues
Part time job
Last reply 1 week ago
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